Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Explanation and Context Review Communication

University of Phoenix Material Communication Theories and Context Review Communication can be understood by examining the context in which communication takes place and by reviewing some of the theories that govern how communication works within each context. Part A – Communication Contexts Directions: Define each communication context. A. Intrapersonal: Face-to-face communication between people B. Interpersonal: Communication with oneself C. Group: Communication with a group of people D. Organizational: Communication within and among large, extended environments E. Public: Communication to a large group of listeners F.Mass: Communication to a very large audience through mediated forms G. Intercultural: Communication between and among members of different cultural backgrounds Part B – Communication Contexts and Their Related Theories Directions: Place the appropriate letter of each context above next to its related theory. Then write a brief explanation of each theory. Theories 1. _A__ Cognitive Dissonance – Explains the tendency for individuals to seek consistency among their cognitions, such as beliefs and opinions. When there is an inconsistency between attitudes or behaviors (dissonance), something must change to eliminate the dissonance.In the case of a discrepancy between attitudes and behavior, it is most likely that the attitude will change to accommodate the behavior. 2. _G___ Face-Negotiation Theory – Explains how different cultures manage conflict and communication. The theory explains that the root of conflict is based on identity management on individual and cultural levels. 3. __B__ Groupthink – Explains how individuals may withhold their opposing opinions to promote cohesiveness. Individuals may also withhold their opposing opinions because they fear rejection by the group. 4. _B__ Communication Privacy Management – Explains the process that people use to manage the relationship between concealing and rev ealing private information 5. __D__ Organizational Information Theory – Explains how organizations make sense of the information that is essential for their existence 6. __F__ Spiral of Silence – Explains why people tend to remain silent when they think their views are in the minority 7. __E__ Rhetoric/Dramatism/Narrative Paradigm – Explains that people are essentially storytellers who make decisions on the basis of good reasons. History, biography, culture, and character determine what we consider good reasons.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership in organizational behavior Essay

Leadership is the process of influencing people and providing an environment for them to achieve team or organisational objectives. As a property, Leadership is the set of characteristics attributed to those who are perceived to use such influence successfully. Leadership involves neither force nor coercion. It is widely believed in the world of business that leadership is the key ingredient in the recipe for corporate achievement. Typically, when we speak of leaders we are referring to people who influence others without threat, using non-coercive means. In fact, this characteristic distinguishes a leader from a dictator. Whereas dictators get others to do what they want by using threats of physical force, leaders do not. Subordinates accept influence from leaders because they respect, like, or admire them as well as because they hold positions of formal authority (that is, leaders may have both position power and personal power). We need to caution against the everyday practice of using tile terms leader and manager interchangeably. The primary function of a leader is to create the essential purpose or mission of the organization and the strategy for attaining it. In contrast, the job of the manager is to implement that vision. He or she is responsible for achieving that end, taking the steps necessary to turn the leader’s vision into reality. The confusion between these two terms is understandable insofar as the distinction between establishing a mission and implementing it is often blurred in practice. This is because many leaders, such as top corporate executives, are frequently called upon not only to create a vision, but also to help implement it. Similarly, managers often are required to lead those who are subordinate to them while also carrying out their leader’s mission. With this in mind, it has been observed that too many so-called â€Å"leaders† get bogged down in the managerial aspects of their job, creating organizations that are â€Å"over managed and under lead. † Leadership Perspectives Goal Attainment : influence function of leadership and deals the mechanisms that motivate members’ behaviors towards the group’s goals. Adaptation : helps the group to define its goal in a way that is consistent with the demands of the environment in which operates. Integration : some mechanism must coordinate the activities of group members towards the common goal e. g – Communication and conflict resolution Maintenance : mechanism to maintain their morale and keep them interested in staying in the group THEORIES OF LEADERSHIP: There are three major approaches to leadership: a) trait theories, b) behavioral theories, c) situational theories. Trait theories highlight that there exists a finite set of individual traits or characteristics that distinguish successful from unsuccessful leaders. Behavioral theories highlight that the most important aspect of leadership is not the traits of the leader, but what the leader does in various situations. Successful leaders are distinguished form unsuccessful leaders by their particular style of leadership. Situational theories outlines that the effectiveness of the leader is not only determined by his or her style of behavior, but also by the situation surrounding the leadership environment. Situational factors include the characteristics of the leader and the subordinates, the nature of the task and the structure of the group. THE TRAIT APPROACH: ARE SOME PEOPLE REALLY â€Å"BORN LEADERS†? Common sense leads us to think that some people have more of â€Å"the right stuff’ than others, and are just naturally better leaders. And, if you look at some of the great leaders throughout history, such as Martin Luther King, Jr. , Alexander the Great, and Abraham Lincoln, to name just a few, it is clear that such individuals certainly have characteristics in common that differ from ordinary folks. The question is â€Å"what is it that makes great leaders so great? † Leaders have certain traits, e. g. Honesty and Integrity : Trustworthy ; reliable ; open Intelligence Self – Confidence : Trust in own abilities Emotional maturity Stress tolerance Task – relevant knowledge : knowledge of business, relevant technical matters Ambition and high energy : Desire for achievement ; tenacity ; initiative Desire to lead : leadership motivation – desire to exercise influence over others to reach shared goals Research suggest that traits contribute less than 10% of what makes a successful leader Leadership Grid (Robert R. Blake & Jane Mouton) Impoverished Mgmt (1,1): Exertion of minimum efforts to get the required work done is appropriate to sustain organization membership. Country Club Mgmt (1,9): Thoughtful attention to the needs of people for satisfying relationships leads to a comfortable organizational atmosphere and work tempo. Middle Of The Road Mgmt (5,5): Adequate organizational performance is possible through balancing the necessity to get out work with maintaining morale of the people at satisfying level. Authority Compliance (9,1): Efficiency in operational results from arranging conditions of work in such a way that human elements interfere to a minimum degree. Team Mgmt (9,9): Work accomplishment is from committed people; inter dependence through a common stake. In organization purpose leads to relationships of trust and respect. Managerial Grid: The five basic approaches to management identified by Black and Mouton are based on the two dimensions of concern of people and concern for production that are associated with leaders. A managerial grid is formed based on these two dimensions which are rated on 9 point scale. If manager is securing the lowest score on these two dimensions I,I is identified as impoverished style of managers who are low on both their concern of people and production, 1,9 or country club style is designated to those managers who are having high concern for people but low concern for production. The 5, 5 or the middle-of-the road style concerns the moderate levels of concern for both people and production. The 9,1 or task management style is one where there is a high concern for production but very little concern for people and finally, 9,9 or team management style is one where the manager has high concern for both people and production. According to Black and Mouton the one best style for all mangers is the 9,9 or team management style. Fiedler’s Model Effective groups depend on a proper match between a leader’s style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader. LEADER SITUATION MATCH A task oriented leader is appropriate for a very favorable or very unfavorable situation. Relationship oriented behavior is predicted to work best when situation is moderately favorable or unfavorable. /* only read Favorable Situation: The situation is considered as highly favorable if it possess a high level of positive interpersonal relations between leaders and members, a well defined task structures and a leaders perceive that they are bestowed with strong perceived positional power. In such type of situation the leader will have a great deal of control over situations and will simply have to make sure that he gives the necessary instructions to get the task done. There is no need for him to waste time talking to each employee in order to be perceived as friendly. A task-oriented style will be effective in such situation. Unfavorable Situation: The situation is considered as highly unfavorable if it possesses a low level of interpersonal relationship between leaders and members, a poorly defined task and a relatively a weak perceived power. The leader of a task-force committee which is appointed to solve problems encountered in the work setting is likely to find him in such a situation. In such type of situation, the leader is in highly vulnerable situations and there is no other way to enforce a strict discipline and order to bring the situation in normalcy than following relationship oriented style. Moderately Favorable Situation: Here the leader might find herself in a mixed situation. For instance, a manager might have good relationship with her workers, but the task structure and position power of the leader may be low. For example, a bank officer may have a good relationship staff member, but the task structure or the power to control the staff members (either to reward or punish members) is not strong enough. In such situations, the manager will be very successful and get the desirable results if he follows more of relationships oriented style than task oriented task style. */ PATH GOAL THEORY PATH GOAL THEORY believes that a leader can change subordinates expectancies by clarifying the path between the subordinates’ action and the outcome, which is the goal which the employee wants to achieve. Whether leader’s behavior can do so effectively also depends on situational factors. Path-Goal Leadership Model Path-Goal Leadership Behaviour Directive Leadership Behavior: This deals with planning, organizing, controlling and coordinating of subordinates activities by the leader. It is similar to the traditional dimension of initiating structure in that the leader’s emphasis is on letting the subordinates know what is expected of them. Supportive Leadership Behavior: This concerns giving support consideration to the needs of the subordinates, displaying concern for their well-being and welfare and creating a friendly and pleasant environment. Participative—a pattern in which the leader consults with subordinates, permitting them to participate in decision making. Achievement-oriented—an approach in which the leader sets challenging goals and seeks improvements in performance. The benefits to the company of the achievement-oriented leader approach include greater employee confidence and commitment, more employee decision making, increased employee creativity, more challenging objectives, and reduced supervision for employees who work best independently. SITUATIONAL FACTORS Employee Contingencies Locus of control A Participative leader is suitable for subordinates with internal locus of control. A directive leader is suitable for supportives for external locus of control. Self perceived ability Subordinates who perceive themselves as having high ability do not like directive leadership. Environmental Contingencies When working on a task that has a high structure, directive leadership is redundant and less effective. When a highly formal authority system is in place, directive leadership can again reduce worker’s satisfaction. When subordinates are in a team environment that offers great social support, the supportive leadership style becomes less necessary TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP Definition: It’s the process of leading for change rather than for stability. Transformational leaders Leading — changing the organisation to fit the environment Develop, communicate, enact a vision. It is exercised when the leader intellectually stimulates the subordinates, excites, arouses and inspires them to perform far beyond what they would have thought themselves capable of. By providing a new vision, the transformational leader transforms the followers into people who self-actualize. Charismatic leadership is central to transformational leaderships. These kinds of leaders guide or motivate their follower’s in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. Transformational leaders arouse strong emotions. They also help transform their followers by teaching them, often serving as mentors. In so doing, transformational leaders seek to encourage followers to do their own thing. In contrast, charismatic leaders may keep their followers weak and highly dependent on them. A charismatic leader may be the whole show, whereas a transformational leader does a good job of inspiring change in the whole organization. Many celebrities, be they musicians, actors, or athletes, tend to be highly charismatic, but they do not necessarily have any transformational effects on their followers. As such, although some people may idolize certain rock stars, and dress like them, these celebrities’ charisma will unlikely stimulate their fans into making sacrifices that revitalize the world. When you think of it this way, its easy to see how charisma is just a part of transformational leadership.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of the Somalian telecommunication industry

Analysis of the Somalian telecommunication industry Telecommunication industry of Somalia is a rapid evolution of technology in Somalia and people access to it comes as several telecommunication companies here jockey for customers amid the absence of strong government-regulated phone and internet access. The competition to supply phone service has stocked the nascent revival of Somalis shattered economy and it shows that business can thrive even in one of Africa latest developed markets. Backed by expertise from China, Korea and Europe and funded from their own pockets Somali telecom entrepreneurs are providing in expensive mobile phone service. Users can conduct money transfers via mobile phones and gain internet access, both wireless functions that aren’t widely available in many other parts of Africa. The success of Somalia’s telecom sector is not all that unusual for a war -shattered economy, experts say. In countries with shaky economic foundation, such as Afghanistan and the democratic republic of Congo, telecommu nication is missing infrastructure. The first private telecommunications company to operate in Somalia after Somali government collapsed in 1991, was Telecom Somalia in 1994, Hormud Telecom in 2002 and Nationlink Telecom in 1997, they all offers all telecommunication services, the three companies signed an alliance and interconnection deal in 2005 that allows them to set prices and to control the newly other in entrant companies Like Somafone Telecommunication and others. Hormuud Telecom Somali Hormud Telecom (HorTel) is a privately held enterprise established in April 2002, its head quarter is in Mogadishu, and it expands south and central of Somalia. more than 600 Somali investors have shared in Hormuud Telecom and its leading telecommunication in southern and central of Somalia, and it employs over 4000 people, comprised of full time and part time staff, dealers, etc. Hormud Telecom has received numerous awards in recognition of its grass-roots work in developing the local commun ity welfare such as supporting educational institutions ,social development and charity , provides a variety of telecommunication service such as Fixed line, GSM service and Data service ,E voucher, and Zaad service. Hormuuds chief executive ,Ahmed Mohamed yusuf Started his business selling bread and spaghetti ,he later opened a popular supermarket ,but like his competitors he saw huge gaps in telecom sector â€Å"everyone wants to get in touch with his brother or sister, whether inside or outside the country, to hear the latest news† says the 50-year old CEO. In 2002 he pooled money with friends and investors and launched Hormuud Telecom providing telecommunication and later expanded to bank and mobile money transfer and now Hormuud Telecom Inc has a sales of about $40 million a year.    However Hormuud expands and covers their network all south and central of Somali and they have two trade makers in other parts of Somalia, like Telesom in northwest and Golis in north east . Literature review Innovation is an idea, product or process that is a new to adopter (Hage and Aiken 1973) and other deffination by Damanpour (1991: 556): â€Å"Innovation can be a new product or service, a new production process technology, a new structure or administrative system, or a new plan or program pertaining to organizational members.

From the Baroque Period through the Romantic Age Essay

From the Baroque Period through the Romantic Age - Essay Example The self-indulgent administration of French kings Louis V and Louis VI created a pleasure-seeking technique identified as rococo. The etymological meaning of rococo is the French word rocaille, denoting a shell or a conch, which was the principal theme of rococo art. Rococo was, in general, an upper-class art, with the focus comprised of gentlemen and ladies of relaxation spending their time in chivalrous gratification. It is considered to be mischievously erotic. It was at some point in the era of neoclassicism, during the governance of Louis XIV, that the French Academy was established. This built the foundations of classicism – with its reverence of olden days and its ceremonial discipline – as the authorized approach of the administration. Painters and sculptors who wish the official support labored in this technique until it was condensed to dry procedure and turned out to be spiritless and intellectual. Whereas the descendants of Louis XIV, there was a reduced amo unt of firm centralization of state supremacy, and classicism in France surrendered to the rococo style. With the period of influence of Napoleon, classicism, with its prominence on proper regulation and its renewal of olden days, once more materialized as the authorized technique. A response in opposition to rococo ornateness, also served the goals of the latest government by acclaiming the civic and nationalistic qualities of the early Romans for the personification of the public. Romanticism as an artistic style followed the French Revolution.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Genre 8 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Genre 8 - Essay Example Second, little known facts. This are meant to spike readers mind and create interest into certain subject. Third, unusual viewpoints. Little known facts these reach out and grab the readers mind. Example can be use of common and un- noticed things in the world to try to create curiosity among the readers. Fourth, fascinating comparison. This creates instant and powerful images communicating clearly to the same degree as simile and metaphor. Since informational books are informative and aimed to be educative, use of comparisons help to clarify the issues to the reader and build from known to unknown. Fifth, first person account. This make it to be real such that when the writer ,writes about an experience he has gone through; as he develops the story both the writer and the reader seem to discover together but not a recount of the information. This carries the reader into first person account role i.e. he assumes the role of main character. Lastly is accuracy. Informational books shou ld be factual and dependable as they introduce the reader to the world or present something about it. Teachers should avoid anthropomorphism and hyperbole. Informational picture books –present accurate and appealing content aimed at awakening the reader’s interest. It serves the same purpose as informational chapter books though they are more heavily illustrated. They present an idea in sufficient depth to pique curiosity as it increases understanding. Concept books- are simplified picture books that present basic knowledge about one topic in a way both understandable and interesting to a small child beginning to learn the world. Its normally the first informational book the child is introduced to as he develops the skills to learn. Often invites the reader to engage into certain activity to reinforce a topic which being taught. Having access to books that are preferred can affect a child’s interest in books and in reading this affective response is

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Health Care in Haiti Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Health Care in Haiti - Research Paper Example A leading example has been in the U.S. that has developed to be a liberated system and fight to attain equality. However, Haiti will be this paper’s focus and derive the measures applied within the health care system in the attempt to offer sustainability to Haitians. About Haiti Haiti’s geographical position is found in the Atlantic Ocean in an area within the Caribbean Sea. Haiti has been since plagued by natural disasters that have threatened the sustainability of the population and these have included famous hurricanes in 2008. The economy has failed to offer sustainable measures to the population that strives to live above the dollar daily. Most Haitians are of lower class with the rising inflation within their economy. Food and fuel have been the chief cause of the impoverished lifestyle leading to some venturing to eat the edible clay cookies. The country has been named as the poorest country within the western hemisphere with the threat placed on natural and fab ricated causes. The inability to offer sustainability to the economy has developed the constraints witnessed to provide sustainable solutions within the health care (Farmer 398). ... The health care system has been the refection of the impoverished living conditions subjected upon Haitians. Despite efforts to invent measures that have been invented to improve mortality and life sustenance in vaccination services, the needed health care reforms is still an outstanding problem. The inadequate distribution of resources and, corrupt political, system has been the leading cause of the problem. The measure has witnessed a minimal amount of $85 vested annually to sustain the ordinary citizen, a figure invested by foreign entities and agencies (Whyte). Moreover, public hospitals and the few clinics available within the economy hold minimal qualified personnel with inadequate supply of the needed medical resources. Most of the qualified doctors have fled Haiti for safer environs and working conditions. The attempt has been made by Cuba to increase the number of trained professionals within the system, but the provision is not enough to sustain the reducing condition. The other provision to destabilize health care has been in the perpetrated violence witnessed in protest against the corrupt government, which instilled fear among health workers to avoid their duties. This has led to the development of ignorance that has threatened sustainability as the natives practice traditional measures to solve health problems. Research has indicated that more women are using herbal strategies to solve health problems as compared to contemporary medicine leaving more children without vaccination. Solutions Non-governmental organizations have been established to offer sustainable measures to sustain the Haitian economy. Haiti Healthcare Partners (HHP) had been established in 2006 to find strategies to accord affordable programs to the natives

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Egyptian Revolution Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Egyptian Revolution - Research Paper Example The daily existence of living in Egypt has been a bad dream where the only thing that is real is poverty, fear, cruelty, and corruption. There is no real education or work; it is all socially connected and related to corruption. One must follow the regime, never speaking out about what is seen, heard, or experienced. There are no human rights, no sense of right or wrong, no rules, just the consequences of corruption; a sick game of roulette. A person can only rise as far as what is allowed by the regime, for as long as is needed for the purpose to be served. On the surface, all appears to be well under control; the people have what they want, and all is well. On January 25, 2011, a scream erupted from the small country of Egypt that was heard around the world, â€Å"Mubarak must go!† (Tadros, 2011) The people of Egypt watched closely as Tunisia quickly removed their source of misery; it was a spark of hope for all those oppressed by corrupt regimes throughout the Middle East. Egyptians were tired of living under a corrupt government that made survival impossible; tired of police brutality, tired of the intense suffering that made daily living just another day to wait for death to come in sweet relief. The people of Egypt had reached a point where they were basically unable to survive under the current regime, police brutality had killed many innocent civilians; it was the monster lurking in the dark for every Egyptian. It was discovered that the New Year’s Day bombing of a Coptic church in Alexandria, where 21 people were killed was actually masterminded by the Police Minister, Ali Habib. The people were tired of being targets for this sick regime that enjoyed making it appear that it was a religious issue as another clash between Copts and Muslims. The truth was out; it was the regime that continues to cause and feed the problems between the Muslims and the Christians. The current regime had killed so many innocent people that a few more deaths wouldn’t matter; especially if those deaths could somehow make a drastic change to bring an end to the horror within Egypt. The voice of the people said, â€Å"Let freedom ring!† (Awad & Dixon, 2011) It is the right of every human being to be able to live a productive life by providing for themselves and their families; no one should have to live in fear and suffering just to appease a sick regime. Egypt has done the right thing in taking the chance to make a change in order to bring relief and freedom to its people. As a result, many other countries in the Middle East have begun to speak out against their governments for freedom and human rights too. Egypt will possibly lead the way for democracy to finally reach that part of the world. It all began six years earlier when three Egyptian men; a physician, a chemist, and an engineer, had expatriated to London and begun to meet to discuss civil disobedience under the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. They slowly built a network of support on social networking sites that gave them a following in Egypt. A combination of the Tunisian Revolution one month earlier, plus the social media network coverage and discussions, gave the people the courage to do something about their misery. January 25th is celebrated as Police Day in Egypt; a time to show support and appreciation for whatever protection the police have given the people. However, this year, the people

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programs on Women in the Essay

The Impact of Structural Adjustment Programs on Women in the Philippines - Essay Example Under the first SAP implemented for the Philippines in 1981, the objective was to reshape a largely protectionist regime under the Marcos dictatorship into an export-led economy through trade and financial liberalization and tight credit policy. However, subsequent events proved the SAP strategy wrong, as evidenced by the depreciation of the Philippine peso by 10 percent in 1983, double-digit inflation and unemployment, declining wages and the unimproved quality of exports due mainly to low production costs and cheap labor. During these years, political opposition to the martial law government of Marcos was escalating, which became a nationwide disturbance when top opposition leader Benigno Aquino was assassinated in 1984 by suspected Marcos hit men. This led to massive capital flight that forced Marcos to call a snap election in 1985, in which the widow of Aquino emerged victorious. As the GDP began to grow by a moderate 5.6 percent under the second IMF-WB program undertaken for the Aquino government (Lim & Montes, 2001), the economy suffered one setback after another as Marcos loyalists held disruptive rallies and renegade soldiers separately staged a series of military coups from 1987 to 1989. This paper examines how SAP failed the Philippines, specifically how and why its required policy reforms marginalized women in the Philippines in terms of meeting their rights to education, health and livelihood. 2. How SAP Worked Against Philippine Women The SAP requirement for an export-led strategy of economic growth created shifts in the use of land and other resources, reorganized production processes, and changed production relations as well as existing social institutions (Sparr, 1994). This was generally how SAP worked to the disadvantage of Philippine women. On land use, for example, one of the main thrusts of SAP is to remove subsidies from agricultural production intended for local consumption and to re-channel the funds instead to the production of cash crops for the export market (Sparr, 1994). Rural women in the Philippines augment the meager income of their farmer-husbands by engaging in the backyard production of crops that can be sold in the local market. Moreover, women share farm work with their men especially in seeding and harvesting. When the incentives for growing crops with a ready market were taken away, the women lost an important source of income to the detriment of her family (Elson, 1995). The problem was that government promoted export production although world prices were extremely low (Lim & Montes, 2001). In the Philippines, land was transferred from the traditional crops of rice and corn to the production of sugar cane, bananas and pineapples with a concomitant increase in the size of holdings and greater mechanization but also a rise in the number of landless households (Elson, 1995). The main result was to further marginalize women in crop production as they are largely excluded from sugar cultivation. Rural women in the Philippines farm for home production and the local markets and rarely is it done for the export

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Medical errors Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Medical errors - Article Example Medical errors are inclusive of errors which are committed by medical care individuals as well as any other form of system errors. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), other definitions put forward on the description of medical errors include: â€Å"error of execution†, â€Å"error of planning† (Freisen, Farquhar and Hughes, n.d). The causes for medical errors are quite a number. Medical errors that are caused by medical personnel could be as a result of: lack of proper communication between the health care personnel; lack of proper communication between the patient (s) and the health care personnel; irresponsibility by the medical personnel in terms of prescriptions and dosages; handing out drugs over the counter without a sound doctor analysis; wrong drug administration; lack of following the mandated patient care policies. Communication is quite essential in a health care facility. In the event that there is a communication gap between the health care person nel, then problems are likely to occur. Lack of proper communication is likely to happen while writing out patients’ results or even while packaging or labelling drugs by their names and dosages. That is; a drug could be labelled wrongly and this could be interpreted differently by another medical personnel. A communication deficit could also occur between a patient (s) and the health care personnel. An example of such a situation is when the patient is describing their symptoms to the health care personnel. As a result, the words and expressions being used by the medical care expert could not actually be exactly what the patient is referring to. At that instance, a communication error occurs and this will in turn lead to wrong drug and dosage administration. Over the counter drugs (OTC) and prescriptions have also been known to cause fatal medical errors – this is due to the reason that the personnel responsible could be lacking adequate knowledge and experience in pr oviding ample analysis of the symptoms that the patient has. As a result, they could either give the wrong drugs to the patient or provide an under-dose or an over-dose of the medicine. Following the mandated hospital policies and procedures is very essential. These policies and procedures include: providing organisation orientation to new medical staff, providing medical education to patients and ensuring that medical training is done effectively. The benefit of carrying out all these tasks is that they will reduce the total numbers of medical errors that occur. For example, if the health care facility acquires new equipment, the staff should be trained on how to properly use the equipment so as to alienate the possibility of system errors. In addition to that, patient education should be provided so as to educate them with information on how they could also avoid being victims of unwanted medical errors. In a 1993 to 1998 medical study that was conducted by FDA (2013), the results revealed that the most regular form of medical error was as a result of recklessness while giving out prescriptions and medical dosages - This accounted for 41%. The same study revealed that the other forms of personnel medical errors included: wrong drug administration that answered for 16% while the use of wrong drug

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internation business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Internation business - Essay Example For the time being, it is considered as just a deal between the two countries (Rapoza, 2013). Free Trade Talks would assist in expanding their bilateral agreement and trade along with improving cooperation regarding conservation of energy, production of high-end machinery and modern agriculture (Palmer, 2013). It is observed that both China and India are looking to work closely in future negotiations and cooperate in areas of energy efficiency, renewable energy and forestry. Both the countries would be undertaking future negotiations on climate change along with cooperating by the aid of ad-hoc groups (Kanjilal, 2010). Both India and China would play a vital role in impeding trade negotiation through mutual cooperation and comprehension of their strategies which would enable them to become a free trade bloc entailing other leading Asia and Oceania nations such as South Korea, Australia and New Zealand (Vishwanath, 2013) Questions 2 Evidently, Australian companies have been very slow to develop Asian connections. Contextually, different views reveal that the attempts made by Australian companies to enhance Asian literacy have not materialised. This is because there have been critical fault lines in most of the strategies that required greater assessment. Moreover, promising programs lacked sustainability and continuity due to funding problems along with changes of policies and governmental interventions. Additionally, certain strategies have been reclusive because of structural impediments. Furthermore, most of the companies have emphasized on issues related to supply and very little importance had been given in building demands in terms of Asian literacy facet along with making investment in the Asian curriculum which seem to be important for foreign nations to be successful on Asian shores (Asialink, 2012) With National Broadband Network coming into the fold, it would be possible for Australian companies to go beyond agricultural and mining sectors in Asian re gion. Opportunities would be created for participating in a better way in digital economy. In this regard, liquefied natural gas is also expected to grow by a considerable extent. There would also be extravagant opportunities for service, tourism and education sectors to develop with the rising of the level of income within 2025 (Australian Government, 2013; Australian Government, n.d.). Question 3 In recent decades, the Australian dollar has enhanced substantially as compared to US dollar. In the recent times, the Australian dollar has become almost equal to US dollar. This reflects that most of the Afro-Asian countries would be benefited mostly by shifting towards Australian dollar by a considerable level. It has been observed that both Australia and China have decided to get their currencies converted in a straightforward way, which would result in lowering costs for Australian companies performing business in China. It can be considered as a strategic move for Australia and vice versa adding to their economic engagement. The strategic move of converting currency directly is considered to be an essential step for global growth process (Curran, 2013; Poljak & Baker, 2013). Moreover, both the countries could find economic stability in the coming days with agreements been carried out between them. Furthermore, Chinese population can leverage sustained enormous benefits from Australian market. It has become easier for Chinese companies to carry out business

Implicit cognition Essay Example for Free

Implicit cognition Essay Implicit cognition refers to internal influences that affect an individual’s behaviours. The identifying feature of implicit cognition is that an individual’s past experiences can influence their judgements in   fashion that the individual is not introspectively aware of – i.e. the person is not conscious of the fact that the experiences have affected his/her perceptions in such a way. (Greenwald Banaji, pg 4; 1995) Evidence supports the view that social behaviour and attitudes in particular are often based largely on unconscious attitudes, for example an individual’s attitudes towards a specific ethnic group are prone to be implicitly influenced. Implicit attitudes are commonly thought to mainly effect cognitive bias in a negative way (e.g. racism), however Edward Thorndike (1920) named the ‘halo effect’, upon observing that personality ratings showed a tendency for positive attributes to be associated with other positive attributes more than they should be (Greenwald Banaji, pg 9; 1995). A great amount of ‘halo effect’ research has been based on using physical attractiveness as the objectively irrelevant attribute that influences perception of other characteristics. Studies have shown that attractive people are judged to possess greater social skills as well as being more successful in employment (Dion, Berscheid Walster; 1972). As previously mentioned implicit cognition is caused by past experiences influencing judgement in ways that the individual is not introspectively aware, thus it is imperative to use indirect measures to gauge an individual’s implicit attitudes. The distinction between direct and indirect measures depends on the relationship between what the subject is informed about the purpose of a measure and what the researcher chooses to interpret from the subjects response to the measure (Greenwald Banaji, pg 8; 1995) – the researcher will inform the subject that one attribute is being measured when in fact the researcher will interpret information about another attribute based on the subjects response to the measure. It is necessary to use indirect measures because implicit attitudes are by definition attitudes that an individual is unable to report as they are unaware of their existence i.e. implicit attitudes are beyond an individual’s introspective limits. For the purpose of this essay I have chosen to examine the reaction time based ‘Implicit Association Test’ (IAT) and Facial Electromyography (fEMG) which is based on physiological measurement. Implicit attitudes result in projections of behaviour or judgments that are under the control of automatically activated evaluation, without the actor’s awareness of that causation. The IAT procedure seeks to measure implicit attitudes by measuring their underlying automatic evaluation. A beneficial property of the IAT is that it may resist individuals masking their attitudes using self presentation strategies (e.g. providing false responses in order to gain social acceptance or avoid criticism). In short, the IAT may reveal attitudes and other automatic associations even or those who prefer not to express those attitudes (Greenwald et al, pg 1464-5; 1998). The IAT is performed over a series of five stages; the first stage is called ‘Target Concept Discrimination’ in this stage the target concept is introduced and the subject is instructed to simply pair the stimuli with its corresponding concept, for example a study on implicit attitudes towards sexual preference (Project Implicit – an online database of IATs offering the test to the public, spearheaded by Dr Anthony Greenwald, Dr Brian Nosek and Dr Maharin Banaji) presents the subject with the task concepts ‘gay’ and ‘straight’, the subject is then presented with images displaying gay or straight couples or words such as homosexual and heterosexual. When the stimulus appears on screen the subject pairs it with the corresponding category – picture of a man and wife pairs with straight concept. The next stage in the IAT is ‘Associated Attribute Discrimination’ as previously this stage is presented as a two- category discrimination task. The subject is asked to pair words such as happiness, love, agony, strife with the corresponding attributes good and bad according to which attribute best suits their meaning. Following the introduction to the ‘Target Concept Discrimination’ and to the ‘Associates Attribute Dimension’, the two are amalgamated in the third stage –i.e. gay and good on one side of the screen and straight and bad on the other or vice versa. During this stage stimuli for target and attribute discriminations appear on alternate trials. For example’ a picture of a homosexual couple would be shown followed by the word ‘famine’.   As previously the subject pairs the stimuli with their matching category. The fourth stage consists of reversing the target concepts position in the experiment and the final stage of the experiment combines the ‘Reversed Target Concept Discrimination’ with attribute discrimination. For example the gay concept is now on the same side of the screen as bad. The subject is then presented with alternating stimuli and pairs them with the appropriate concept or attribute. If the target concepts are differentially associated with the attribute dimension, the subject should find one of the combined task (either the third stage or the fifth stage) to be more difficult than the other- this is shown in the subjects reaction time; longer reaction times suggest the subject has higher difficulty pairing an attribute with a concept. The measure of the difference in difficulty is used to provide the measure of implicit attitudinal difference between the target categories (Greenwald et al, pg 1465-6; 1998). In the example of implicit attitudes towards sexual preference, it should be easier to complete the task when straight is combined with good if there is a stronger association between heterosexuals and good meanings than between homosexuals and good meaning, thus showing an implicit attitude of bias towards heterosexuals. Also it is common to use training stages before each of the combined discrimination stages to reduce the effects the order of the combined discrimination tasks has on the IAT results. Since the IAT was first described by Dr. Anthony Greenwald et al in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology in 1998 it has grown exponentially in popularity, having been used in over 300 published studies and cited in over 800 articles (Azar, 2008). Among the reasons for the success of the IAT are its relative ease of use, the large effect sizes it creates, its high level of adaptability and its resistance to subject’s faking their responses. To show the validity of the IAT Greenway et al (1998) used the classical known-groups validity measure. This measure consists of using groups whom are known previous to the experiment to differ regarding the construct of interest. Greenwald et al used Americans of Korean and Japanese descent to test the validity of the IAT. The participants had to classify positive and negative words along with typical Korean and Japanese names in the combined discrimination stage, as expected the IAT results showed that individuals of Korean or Japanese descent were prone to hold mutually negative implicit attitudes towards the other ethnicity (Banse et al pg 146; 2001). It has been disputed that the reason for these IAT results is at least partially based on ethnic groups being more familiar with names associated with in their own group, i.e. positive IAT scores may reflect familiarity more so than sympathy with their own ethnic group. Another commonly expressed concern with the internal validity of the IAT is the order in which the combined discrimination tasks appear. Greenwald et al (1998) expressed that all other thing being equal, strengths of associations used in the first of the IATs two combined tasks had a tendency to be stronger than those used in the second combined task. However, in a subsequent study Nosek et al (2005) showed that an increase in the length of the training stages before each of the combined discrimination stages can result the order having less of an effect on the IAT scores. If the pairing order effect is due to the interference caused by learning and becoming accustomed to an initial response set and subsequently needing to replace it with a new response set, then extra practice with the new response set may act to reduce this effect. (Nosek et al, pg 177; 2005). Furthermore the IAT is designed that the order of the combined discrimination task be random.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jewish teaching within family Essay Example for Free

Jewish teaching within family Essay In this essay I will look at what Jews believe they must do to bring up and care for their family, what rabbis say on this and what is written in the bible. The first thing I will examine is contraception many Jews consider a large family as a blessing from god and for this reason see contraception as a hindrance and interference with the divine plan. God formed the world. He created it not to remain empty; he made it to be populated Isaiah but on the other hand Judaism regards preserving life as of much importance or more. Where there may be complications or a hazard to the woman if she falls pregnant contraception should be used . using contraceptives for convenience how ever is not regarded as an excuse i. e. paying for their TV instead of having children is not considered acceptable in Judaism. Judaism considers it wrong for anyone Jew or not to have sex out of marriage, although it does not attach a stigma to a child born out of wedlock. Within Jewish marriage sexual behaviour is guided by a code of conduct from the torah in which a man and his wife are not allowed to have sexual relations during the wifes menstruation period and for an entire week after couples find this actually strengthens their marriage with each buying each other gifts or doing other non physical acts, after this a woman is supposed to go to a pool called a mikveh where she immerses her entire body in water, this is supposed to create an atmosphere almost like the engagement period. A wife returning from the mikveh is as fresh to her husband as on their wedding day. Parents and children: Judaism teaches that parents and children have a certain responsibilities towards each other. Honour your father and mother a rabbi once said this works both ways he said this is not only an instruction to the child but also to the parent make yourselves the kind of people your child wants to respect. Parents are expected to feed clothe, and educate their children, and see that they can support themselves. Teach your son a trade says the Talmud or teach him to become a robber. They are supposed to teach them basic survival skills like swimming and a craft they are also supposed to teach them some things about the world like dont accept lifts from strangers which is considered as basic common in some places but in Judaism these are considered as religious obligations. They also are supposed to teach them morale obligations and to be morale people. They are given guidance and a guide sometimes it is necessary to punish a child says the Talmud but do not threaten to do so either do it right away or let it drop. Children are supposed to be as equally respectful to their parents though see that they eat and drink, and take them where they need to go Talmud. They must treat their parents with respect and avoid hurting them. `

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Using Industry Average Multiples For Valuation Finance Essay

Using Industry Average Multiples For Valuation Finance Essay Valuation of equity shares of a company is an important exercise and is performed on multiple occasions, be it investment decision in a particular company, merger, acquisition, restructuring, public issue, etc. Using industry average multiple is a common practice, especially when an unlisted security is to be valued. The study looks at eight industries and attempts to derive (a) which is the most stable industry average multiple by using the statistical tool coefficient of variation and (b) which would be the most important financial performance parameter, which could be driving multiple of a particular security within the industry by using statistical tool of coefficient of correlation. Executive Summary A company will get valued/re-valued on multiple occasions such as raising capital, sale of business, swap of shares, issue of stock options, etc. Valuation of publicly traded securities is quite straightforward and often regulated for different events, while valuation of thinly traded or un-traded securities requires some special approaches. There are three main approaches to security valuation such as discounted cash flows, asset based valuation and comparables. Comparables are regarded as one of the most useful and practical method. Ideal approach within comparables is to find out a publicly traded company which is exactly like the company being valued and adopt an appropriate multiple as valuation metric. Finding such a company is a challenge. Even if a company is financially alike, many non-financial factors such as general market reputation, stock liquidity, etc. could be influenced its valuation of a particular stock. Experts often use industry average multiples to counter this anomaly. They could be used on a stand-alone basis or along-with a set of exact comparables. The articles analyses the concept of industry multiples in eight industries: Private sector banks, Public sector banks, General food processing, Agri Inputs, Edible Oil, Rice, Sugar, Plantations (tea, coffee, flowers) and Auto-components and tries to answer two questions: Which is the most appropriate industry average multiple? The criterion used is co-efficient of variation. Multiples used are Market Capitalisation (MCap) / Profit After Tax, Enterprise Value (EV) / Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Ammortisation (EBITDA), MCap/Book Value, MCap/Sales Which factor is the major driver of a multiple in a particular industry? The author has calculated co-efficient of correlation between different multiples and factors like revenues, 5 year revenue growth, margins, total assets, provisions, Return on Equity (ROE), Net worth. EV/EBITDA was the most stable multiple followed by Mcap/PAT (similar to P/E ratio). Revenue, net-worth and margins were important drivers. Keywords: Industry average multiple, valuation, market capitalization, book value, coefficient of variation/correlation Background There are many situations wherein a company will get valued/re-valued such as raising capital, sale of business, swap of shares, issue of stock options, etc. While, valuation is easy and fairly regulated (SEBI, the regulator in India has defined how a security is to be valued for different purposes) for a publicly traded company, valuation of a thinly traded or un-traded securities requires some special approaches. At times, analysts also value a well-traded company to determine whether it is value fair or if there is any possible up-side. Different approaches to valuation are as described below: Comparables Asset Value EBITDA PAT Book Value Sales, etc. Equity Value DCF Figure 1 Different valuation methods Asset Value: Asset based approaches such as book value (asset less liabilities as reflected in books of accounts) and realizable value (market value of asset less liabilities) are more relevant when the company/vehicle is wound-up or dissolved in any manner. Discounted Cash Flow (Discounted Cash Flow to the Firm): Discounted cash flow is, theoretically, the best valuation method. The company calculates its projected financial performance. These projections and their assumptions are vetted against market factors, expert opinions. Once the parties are confident with projections, cash flows of the company (called Cash Flow to the Firm) are calculated as follows: EBIT X (1-Tax Rate) Less Working Capital Changes Less Capital Expenditure Add Depreciation. An important component of DCF based valuation is the Terminal Value. Last year in the projection period is capitalized as: Cash flow in terminal year X (1+ perennial growth rate) / (WACC perennial growth rate). This is again discounted to calculate present value of terminal cash flow. This approach is well recognized, but is not widely used due to the following limitations: The model involves a number of assumptions (i) Entire set of assumptions going into calculation of financial projections, (ii) Market risk premium, (iii) Long term growth rate, etc. which makes it very subjective. The method does not work with firms which have un-utilised assets, are in the process of re-structuring, which do not have positive operating cash flows, etc. Comparables: One of the most preferred methods of valuing a company is comparing it with a publicly traded company of similar nature called relative valuation. It is also the most intuitive method we practice it in pricing almost everything real estate, items of daily usage, etc. In relative valuation, the value of an asset is derived from the pricing of comparable assets, standardized using a common variable such as earnings, cash flows, book value or revenues. (Damodaran on Valuation: Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance, by Ashwath Damodaran, Wiley Finance) A publicly traded peer is identified and compared to the company under consideration in terms of various valuation parameters like Price to Earnings, Price to Book, Price to Sales, Enterprise Value / EBITDA which ever is applicable and accordingly the value of the company/security under consideration can be calculated, e.g. If a comparable company is traded at 15 times its earnings, the earnings of the company under consideration are multiplied by 15 to calculate its value. The approach is fairly simple, however, the challenge lies in finding an exact comparable. There can be many differentiating factors, and some of them could be quite stark. The pricing of the publicly traded peer would also be influenced by many non-objective factors like: general market perception, promoter reputation, adverse market rumors, low liquidity in specific stock, low level of public holding, etc. In light of these, many analysts and industry experts use industry-average multiples, on a stand-alone basis as well as to moderate/rationalize multiples of an individual or group of comparables. This brings us to the questions which the article intends to ponder over: Which bench-mark should be used? Every industry has two or three popular benchmarks, which appropriately capture financial and operative strengths, such as the tea gardens are valued at certain times of their sales, so are football clubs. Manufacturing industries are valued at certain time of their EBITDA or PAT as the case may be. However, if an industry average is to be used, high degree of variability in the multiple will compromise its reliability. Another question is what drives a companys valuation. The range in multiples in many industries tends to be quite high. Some tangible financial factor could be an important driver/differentiator for a company. Which would be the driver in a particular industry? The article attempts to answer these questions via an exercise on 214 companies in 8 different industries. The author has: Chosen 8 industries based on his past work experience Selected different publicly listed companies in each industry Derived their multiples and financial parameters from various databases Checked the variability of industry averages of multiples by using the statistical tool co-efficient of variation to answer the first question (most reliable benchmark) Run correlation between a particular industry relevant bench-mark such as 5 year growth, margins, etc. and the multiple e.g. correlation between P/E ratios and book size in banking industry to answer the second question. The breakup of companies across industries is as follows: Table 1 Sectors and number of companies used in analysis Industry No of companies Private sector banks 14 Public sector banks 23 General food processing 16 Agri Inputs 8 Edible Oil 17 Rice 7 Sugar 17 Plantations (tea, coffee, flowers) 17 Auto-components 85 Total 214 The following multiples were used: Market Capitalisation (MCap) / Profit After Tax, Enterprise Value (EV) / Earnings Before Interest Taxes Depreciation and Ammortisation (EBITDA), MCap/Book Value, MCap/Sales. Mcap/PAT is similar to more commonly used Price to Earnings per share (P/E), and Mcap/Book Value is similar to Price to Book value per share (P/B). The following financial performance parameters were selected for analysis: Revenues of latest available financial year, 5 year revenue growth, margins (PAT margin for banks and EBITDA margins for others), total assets, provisions, Return on Equity (ROE), Net worth Analysis Private Sector Banks The following banks were analysed within private sector banks: HDFC Bank Ltd., ICICI Bank Limited, Axis Bank Limited, IndusInd Bank Limited, Yes Bank Ltd, Federal Bank Limited, ING Vysya Bank Limited, The Jammu Kashmir Bank Limited, Karur Vysya Bank Ltd., South Indian Bank Limited, City Union Bank Ltd., Karnataka Bank Ltd, Development Credit Bank Ltd., Lakshmi Vilas Bank Limited. Table 2 Results of private sector banks Banks (private) Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT Mcap/Assets Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 8.40 0.09 0.88 1.19 StdEv 5.43 0.08 0.82 0.93 Coeff of Variation 0.65 0.99 0.93 0.78 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.09 Past 5 year growth 0.20 0.34 0.36 0.48 Margin 0.32 0.59 0.61 0.63 Total Assets 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.07 Provisions -0.05 -0.10 -0.09 -0.07 ROE 0.01 0.32 0.34 0.43 Net Worth 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.16 MCap/PAT, similar to Price to Earnings showed maximum stability. Margin (calculated as PAT/Revenue) showed maximum correlation with MCap/PAT, followed by high growth rate. The MCap/Book value Price to Book in popular parlance and Return On Equity showed the maximum correlation across all multiples and parameters. Margin and ROE showed maximum correlation with MCap/PAT. Public Sector Banks Public sector banks tend to have different operating objectives and are often valued differently compared to private sector banks. Mcap/PAT of public sector banks is 5.41 v/s 8.40 as observed in private sector banks. The following public sector banks were analysed: Indian Overseas Bank, Andhra Bank, Corporation Bank, Central Bank Of India, UCO Bank, Dena Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Travancore, State Bank of Mysore, United Bank of India, Punjab Sind Bank. Table 3 Results of public sector banks Banks (public) Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT Mcap/Assets Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 5.41 0.04 0.45 0.69 StdEv 1.36 0.01 0.15 0.16 Coeff of Variation 0.25 0.29 0.32 0.23 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.34 0.61 0.65 0.60 Past 5 year growth -0.05 0.12 0.13 0.07 Margin -0.46 0.79 0.81 0.76 Total Assets 0.31 0.62 0.70 0.63 Provisions 0.44 0.51 0.50 0.46 ROE -0.64 0.57 0.57 0.69 Net Worth 0.29 0.70 0.75 0.65 Public sector banks showed a different trend in variability of multiples. The book value multiple seems to show the least variation around mean as compared to Mcap/PAT observed in private banks. Within the book value multiple, margins show the highest correlation of 0.76 followed by ROE, 0.69. Food processing Food processing falls into manufacturing domain. EV/EBITDA multiple is introduced in place of the Total Assets multiple is relevant to the banking and NBFC company wherein income is primarily driven by book size. EV/EBITDA is one of the most popular multiples in manufacturing sector. It captures the operating strength of a company (EBITDA) v/s Enterprise Value. Enterprise value is a debt and cash neutral metric, calculated by Market Capitalisation + Debt Cash. Table 4 Results of food processing (general) Food Processing Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 18.50 9.39 0.97 4.21 StdEv 14.09 6.64 1.61 7.36 Coeff of Variation 0.76 0.71 1.65 1.75 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.39 0.64 0.49 0.75 Past 5 year growth -0.34 -0.27 -0.17 -0.14 EBITDA Margin 0.02 0.20 0.57 0.26 ROE 0.50 0.80 0.75 0.90 Net Worth 0.06 0.31 0.34 0.34 EV/EBITDA shows the lowest variation around mean (0.71). ROE is the most important driver for this multiple (0.8 correlation), followed by revenue. The following companies were considered for analysis in food processing: Hatson Agro Products REI Agro, Heritage Foods, KSE Limited, Nestle India Ltd., Glaxo SmithKline, Britannia Industries, Zydus Wellness, DFM Foods Ltd., Vadilal Industries, Himalya International, ADF Foods, Anik Industries, Srinivasa Hatcheries, Flex Foods, Bambino Agro, Foods and Inns, Tasty Bite Eatables, Freshtrop Fruits, Temptation Foods, Chordia Food Products. Vadilal Enterprises, Sita Shree Food Products, Simran Farms, Venkys (India), Waterbase. The companies belonged to multiple sub-sectors like dairy, poultry, consumer goods, ice creams, frozen food, etc . Agri Inputs Agri inputs included seed, special fertilizers and some special input companies in food processing industries. The larger fertilizer companies, which fall more into chemicals domain were not considered. The following companies were anlysed: Sukhjit Starch Chemicals, Narmada Gelatines, Sakuma Exports, Vidhi Dyestuffs, Saboo Sodium Chloro, Kaveri Seed, Advanta India, Basant Agro Tech. In agri inputs also, EV/EBITDA showed maximum stability, followed by MCap/PAT. EBITDA margin showed highest correlation with EV/EBITDA. Table 5 Results of specialised agri inputs Agri Input Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 11.27 8.53 0.98 1.68 StdEv 9.64 5.11 1.28 1.87 Coeff of Variation 0.86 0.60 1.30 1.11 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue -0.36 0.25 0.04 0.11 Past 5 year growth -0.18 0.25 0.26 0.40 EBITDA Margin -0.88 -0.08 0.71 0.11 ROE 0.02 -0.03 0.40 0.48 Net Worth 0.33 0.66 0.48 0.53 Edible Oil: Edible oil is a special segment within food processing. The sector is characterized by high level of imports, benchmarking with international prices, low regulations compared to commodities like rice and pulses, etc. The following companies were anlysed: Ruchi Soya Industries, Sanwaria Agro Oils, Rasoya Proteins, Gujarat Ambuja Exports, Jayant Agro-Organics, JVL Agro Industries, Vippy Industries Limited, Vimal Oil Foods, Raj Oil Mills, BCL Industries, Hind Industries, Kriti Nutrients, Vijay Solvex, Sam Industries, Modi Naturals, Natraj Proteins, Poona Dal Oil Industries Table 6 Results of edible oil Edible Oil Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 11.10 6.43 0.21 1.53 StdEv 9.77 4.18 0.27 2.20 Coeff of Variation 0.88 0.65 1.31 1.44 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.43 -0.12 -0.12 -0.03 Past 5 year growth -0.28 -0.36 0.99 -0.20 EBITDA Margin -0.01 -0.03 0.51 0.16 ROE -0.20 -0.12 0.58 0.61 Net Worth 0.38 -0.14 -0.11 -0.04 EV/EBITDA showed the maximum stability, however, none of the parameters showed any reasonable correlation with the parameter. EV/EBITDA was followed by Mcap/PAT with 0.88 coefficient of variation. This factor showed relatively higher correlation with revenue followed by Net Worth. Rice Rice is also a typical sector within food processing. Most of the publicly traded rice companies have focused on basmati rice. Basmati is a famous variety of aromatic rice and has large export market in the middle east, Europe and US. The following companies were analysed: Khushi Ram Behari La, Usher Agro, LT Food, Lakshmi Energy and Foods, Emmsons International, Chaman Lal Setia Exports, GRM Overseas. The sector showed better stability of Mcap/PAT followed by Mcap/Book Value. Within Mcap/PAT EBITDA margin showed the highest correlation at 0.86. Table 7 Results of rice Rice Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 6.12 7.94 0.16 0.68 StdEv 2.27 3.95 0.13 0.30 Coeff of Variation 0.37 0.50 0.83 0.44 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.42 0.68 0.16 0.17 Past 5 year growth -0.70 0.47 -0.92 -0.98 EBITDA Margin 0.86 -0.60 0.59 -0.25 ROE -0.77 0.12 0.11 0.73 Net Worth 1.00 -0.17 0.55 -0.30 Sugar: Sugar is one of the largest organized sectors in agri processing. The sector has many large companies like Renuka Sugars, Bajaj Hindustan, etc. The sector also has some typical features like minimum procurement price, cyclical production, concentrated production in Asia and South America, etc. The following companies were analysed: E.I.D. Parry, Bajaj Hindusthan, Bannari Amman Sugars, Triveni Engineering, Andhra Sugars, Dhampur Sugar Mills, KCP Sugar, Ponni Sugars (Erode), Ugar Sugar Works, Dalmia Bharat Sugar, Thiru Arooran Sugars, Sri Chamundeswari, Piccadily Agro, Vishnu Sugar Mills, Kesar Enterprises, Piccadily Sugars, Indian Sucrose EV/EBITDA showed lowest co-efficient of variation (0.44). The multiple showed highest correlation with net worth, followed by revenue. Table 8 Results of sugar Sugar Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 14.38 6.90 0.35 0.80 StdEv 14.79 3.07 0.20 0.39 Coeff of Variation 1.03 0.44 0.56 0.48 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue -0.01 0.20 0.00 0.19 Past 5 year growth -0.26 -0.04 -0.42 0.23 EBITDA Margin -0.51 -0.43 0.49 0.18 ROE -0.65 -0.69 0.44 0.61 Net Worth -0.01 0.44 0.08 0.01 Plantations Tea and Coffee are another specialized area in agri and food industries. The sector has stakes of many large FMCG companies like Tata Tea, Unilever, etc. This sector also has special policies, farming conditions, competitive factors. For the purpose of this analysis, flowers have also been analysed together with tea and coffee. The following companies for part of this analysis: Karuturi Global, Neha International, Pochiraju Industries, Tata Global Beverage, McLeod Russel India, Tata Coffee, CCL Products India, Warren Tea, Dhunseri Petrochem, Goodricke Group, Jayshree Tea, Assam Company India, Harrisons Malayalam, Russell India, United Nilgiri Tea, Joonktollee Tea, Diana Tea. Here also, EV/EBITDA showed minimum coefficient of variation, followed by Mcap/Sales. Revenue and net worth showed the highest correlation with EV/EBITDA. Table 9 Results of plantation (tea, coffee, flowers) Plantation (tea, coffee flowers) Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 15.17 9.60 1.09 1.13 StdEv 13.19 5.70 0.81 0.87 Coeff of Variation 0.87 0.59 0.75 0.76 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.22 0.33 0.09 0.27 Past 5 year growth -0.47 -0.38 -0.19 -0.43 EBITDA Margin -0.34 -0.42 0.20 -0.11 ROE -0.37 -0.27 0.20 0.54 Net Worth 0.18 0.29 0.16 0.21 Auto components Auto components industry comprises of a large number of specialized players focusing on different segments of auto industry. Major segments and their composition in total industry size are: Engine parts 31% Drive transmission and steering parts 19% Body and Chassis 12% Suspension and braking parts 12% Equipments 10% Electrical parts 9% Miscellaneous 7% The industry is estimated at USD 43.5 billion in FY 2011-12. (Auto Components Manufacturers Association of India) The following companies were anlaysed in the industry: Bosch, Cummins India, Exide Industries, Motherson Sumi Systems, WABCO, Amtek India, Kirloskar, Amtek Auto Limited, Federal-Mogul, Sundram Fasteners, Wheels India, Shanthi Gears, NRB Bearings, Automotive Axles, Mahindra Forgings, Commercial Engineers, Banco Products, Jamna Auto Industries, Fairfield Atlas, Gabriel India, Lumax Industries, Sundaram-Clayton, India Motor Parts, Saint-Gobain, Steel Strips Wheels, Setco Automotive, Minda Industries, Suprajit Engineering, Rane Holdings, ZF Steering Gear, Munjal Showa, Sona Koyo Steering, Munjal Auto, Lumax Auto Technology, Autoline Industries, India Nippon, FIEM Industries, L. G. Balakrishnan, Subros, Pricol, Hindustan Composites, Ucal Fuel Systems, Rane Madras, Rico Auto Industries, Jay Bharat Maruti, Shivam Autotech, Omax Autos, IST, Bimetal Bearings, Rane Engine Valves, REIL Electricals, Rane Brake Lining, Precision Pipes, Automotive Stampings, Harita Seating, JMT Auto, Alicon Castalloy, JBM Auto, Bharat Gears, Menon Pistons, Talbros Automotive, Triton Valves, Aunde India, Clutch Auto, Pix Transmissions, Bharat Seats, Lakshmi Precision, Menon Bearings, Simmonds Marshall, Kar Mobiles, IP Rings, Jay Ushin, Gujarat Automotive, Competent Automobile, Lumax Automotive Systems, Autolite India, ANG Industries, Hindustan Hardy, Raunaq Automotive, Remsons Industries, Porwall Auto Components, Spectra Industries, Kew Industries, Jagan Lamps, Coventry Coil-O Matic. In this industry again, EV/EBITDA is the most stable multiple. EV/EBITDA shows maximum correlation with revenue and net-worth. Table 10 Results of auto-components Auto Components Multiple Parameter Mcap/PAT EV/EBITDA Mcap/Sales Mcap/Book Value Mean 12.47 6.04 0.67 1.62 StdEv 13.09 4.65 0.93 1.67 Coeff of Variation 1.05 0.77 1.40 1.03 Correlation between multiple parameter Revenue 0.19 0.35 0.18 0.31 Past 5 year growth -0.04 0.05 -0.05 0.09 EBITDA Margin 0.03 0.06 0.47 0.12 ROE -0.31 0.04 0.21 0.45 Net Worth 0.13 0.35 0.30 0.24 Inferences: The most stable multiples across different industries and their respective coefficients of correlations with different financial parameters were as follows: Table 11 Summary of trends Coefficient of variation Correlation Industry Co-efficient of Variation Multiple Highest Correlation Second highest Correlation Private sector banks 0.65 MCAP/PAT Margin 0.32 Past 5 year growth 0.20 Public sector banks 0.23 P/B Margin 0.76 ROE 0.69 General food processing 0.71 EV/EBITDA ROE 0.80 Revenue 0.64 Agri Inputs 0.60 EV/EBITDA Net worth 0.66 Revenue 0.25 Edible Oil 0.88 MCAP/PAT Revenue 0.43 Net worth 0.38 Rice 0.37 MCAP/PAT Net worth 1.00 EBITDA margin 0.86 Sugar 0.44 EV/EBITDA Net worth 0.44 Revenue 0.20 Plantations (tea, coffee, flowers) 0.59 EV/EBITDA Revenue 0.33 Revenue 0.29 Auto-components 0.77 EV/EBITDA Revenue 0.35 Revenue 0.35 *In edible oil, lower coefficient was observed in EV/EBITDA. P/E was chosen because EV/EBITDA showed no correlation with any of the parameters studied. Co-efficient of variation was minimum in public sector banks and highest in auto-components. Industry multiple of public sector banks, hence, stands as the most reliable industry multiple among the industries observed. The co-efficient would be high if there is considerable heterogeneity within the industry in terms of size, profitability, product portfolio, promoter background, etc. Earnings based multiples EV/EBITDA and P/E showed minimum coefficient of variation in all industries, except public sector banks, which showed Mcap to Book Value as the most stable multiple. Considering the correlations observed with the most stable multiple, we can infer that: net margins are the main drivers of multiples in banks (both public and private) among the parameters observed, ROE was most influential in food processing and edible oil plantations and auto-components seem to be driven by revenue vis-Ã  -vis other parameters observed and agri inputs, rice and sugar were influenced by net-worth of respective companies. The following table shows the maximum correlation observed in a particular industry. Table 12 Maximum correlations across industries Industry Maximum Correlation Relationships Private sector banks 0.63 ROE and Mcap/Book Value Public sector banks 0.81 PAT Margin and Mcap/Book Value General food processing 0.90 ROE and Mcap/Book Value Agri Inputs 0.71 EBITDA margin and Mcap/Sales Edible Oil 0.99 5 year growth and Mcap/Sales Rice 1.00 Net-worth and Mcap/PAT Sugar 0.61 ROE and Mcap/Book Value Plantations (tea, coffee, flowers) 0.54 ROE and Mcap/Book Value Auto-components 0.47 EBITDA margin and Mcap/Sales ROE and Mcap/Book Value showed highest correlation in four out of nine industries, followed by EBITDA margin and Mcap/Sales. The results were quite intuitive a company generating higher returns on invested capital (ROE), or a company operating at a higher margin should be valued more than its peers. Table 13 Results of general correlation analysis Parameter Mcap/PAT

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

What is diabetes type 2? Diabetes type 2 occurs when the body produces too little insulin or is unable to use the insulin correctly. (Jen Grogan and Ruth Suter 2008 p. 2.1.13) Diabetes is a chronic disease where there are high levels of glucose in the blood as it cannot leave the bloodstream and cannot enter cells without the assistance of insulin. (Jen Grogan and Ruth Suter 2008 p. 2.1.9) What causes Diabetes type 2? Common risk factors for diabetes type 2 are being overweight, a lack of exercise, if someone has had gestational diabetes, having a family history of type 2 diabetes, high Cholestrol, high blood pressure, increasing age, having a diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome or metabolic syndrome, non-Caucasian ethnicity (Brind'Amour, K, 2012) and a diet which is high in fats, sugars and over processed foods. (Jen Grogan and Ruth Suter 2008 p. 2.1.13) Simple carbohydrates which break down quickly during digestion can cause a dangerously high level of glucose in the blood. Complex carbohydrates release glucose more steadily into the bloodstream and help prevent dangerously high levels of glucose in the blood. (Jen Grogan and Ruth Suter 2008 p. 2.1.13 – 2.1.13) What kind of a diet causes diabetes type 2? †¢ High-sugar foods such as sweets, biscuits, syrup, and soda which cause a remarkable spike in blood sugar levels and can also contribute to weight gain. both of these effects can worsen diabetes complications. †¢ Eating concentrated sugar such as raisins or other dried fruits may be a better option than snacking on cookies, but it'll still spike your blood sugar because during the dehydration process, fruits' natural sugars become very concentrated, causing an unhealthy elevation in blood sugar when they are quickly... ...0 IU daily supplement of vitamin D3. Vitamin B12 is found naturally only in animal foods so vegetarians must include three servings of B12 in their daily diet: fortified soy or rice beverage, nutritional yeast, fortified breakfast cereal or fortified soy or meat.( Beck, L, 2011) Conclusion A vegan diet is a low in sodium and that is high in fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products which can help manage blood pressure. A Vegan diet is low in Saturated fat and trans fat contribute to coronary heart disease and has a variety of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are relatively healthy for diabetics. A vegan diet is also high in whole grains and fibers which help maintain the blood glucose level thus a vegan diet is beneficial to diabetics although a vegan diet must be aided with multi vitamins etc to compensate for the lack of certain nutrients.

Tibetan Thanka Paintings :: Buddhism Religion Art Creative Papers

Tibetan Thanka Paintings Tibet, with its isolated, harsh geographical location and history of political and social remoteness would seem an unlikely place to provide a â€Å"cradle for creative art† (Bailey 22). Yet it is in this desolate section of the world that one of the most intriguing artistic cultures has been cultivating over hundreds of centuries. One facet of what makes Tibetan art so unique and interesting is its interdependency on its religious beliefs. In Tibet one might use the words â€Å"religion† and â€Å"culture† almost as synonyms, especially for the arts—literature, drama, painting, and sculpture. Not only were they inspired by religion, but religion was their very raison d’à ªtre (Pal 18). Tibetan thanka[1] paintings are a wonderful example of the interconnectedness of religion and art. These images are â€Å"not meant to be the object of simple idolatry† (Jackson 11), but rather take on a more interactive role, which can be applied to nearly every facet of traditional Tibetan life. Tibetan Buddhism pervades all aspects of the creation and use of thanka paintings—in the training and requirements of the artists who create the paintings, in the physical creative process itself, in the iconography used, and in all the painting’s multiple functions. Tibetan thanka paintings, throughout their entire lifespan—from concept to consecrated image—help devotional religious activity for Tibetan Buddhism[2]. Thanka Artists Types of Artists Tibetan thanka artists, of which there were two types, monks and professionals, work within the confines of religious tradition. Trained professionals made up the majority of thanka artists, all of whom studied for years under strict instruction. Lamas were also involved in the creation of many paintings, mainly in a supervisory capacity (Pal 25). The chief centers of Tibetan art were the monasteries that often supplied artists with work (Pal 24). Usually, professional artists either had their own studios or were attached to individual monasteries for the duration of specific jobs. Being an artist was not automatically hereditary and any talented adolescent boy could join a studio as an apprentice. The training period each child underwent was usually extensive and demanding: The apprentice was expected to study drawing for about sixteen months, simple coloring for ten months, and mixed coloring for at least a year. Only then was he allowed to paint under his teacher’s strict vigilance. This he did for many years before he was qualified to set up his own workshop (Pal 25).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Coral Reefs :: essays research papers

Research Paper on Coral Reefs and their Habitat Uploaded by Buster57 on Dec 21, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coral Reefs Coral reefs are complex and diverse habitat. They are perhaps on of the most interesting and colorful ecosystems to be found in the marine environment. They are very unique in many ways. Coral reefs play many important poles in the marine world. They must have certain conditions to be formed, and to survive. Lots of different sea life rely on reefs for habitat and sources of food, including some endangered species. Coral reefs are perhaps one of the greatest yet least known of wonders of our world. The formation of a coral reef is a long and slow process, taking about a year for a reef to grow about half an inch. Many factors affect the growth of the coral. The general pattern of coral reefs is a continuous cycle of growth and destruction, resulting from the growth of the coral and destructive activities of animals and storms. This pattern serves to keep the coral reef alive and at a fairly constant level. Coral reefs must have certain conditions to survive. They must be in reasonably shallow water. Low levels of sedimentation in the water are very important too, because too many sediments in the water can block the sunlight needed for the coral reefs. Because of the sunlight required for reefs to survive, they can only grow to depths of 45 meters deep. They only form in tropical seas and areas that stay above 20 degrees Celsius. The amount of oxygen is also important. Oxygen is produced in the daytime by plant photosynthesis, but the level drops dramatically at night. Ocean wa ves and water movement play a part in the amount of oxygen in the water as well, this allows diffusion of oxygen into the surface levels. There are three different kinds of coral reefs. There are fringing, barrier, and atoll. Fringing reefs are attached to margins of an island or continent, rough, table like surface, as much as 1 kilometer wide. On their seaward side they slope steeply to the ocean floor. Fringing reefs grow in shallow water near the shore and prefer dry climates with limited river runoff. There are also barrier reefs, which are similar to fringing but separated from mainland with a lagoon. The number of barrier reefs is greatly increasing due to global warming, because of the rise of the water’s level.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

History of Computers Essay

The abacus was an early aid for mathematical computations. Its only value is that it aids the memory of the human performing the calculation. A skilled abacus operator can work on addition and subtraction problems at the speed of a person equipped with a hand calculator. The abacus is often wrongly attributed to China. In fact, the oldest surviving abacus was used in 300 B. C. by the Babylonians. The abacus is still in use today, principally in the far east. A modern abacus consists of rings that slide over rods, but the older one pictured below dates from the time when pebbles were used for counting (the word â€Å"calculus† comes from the Latin word for pebble). In 1617 an eccentric Scotsman named John Napier invented logarithms, which are a technology that allows multiplication to be performed via addition. The magic ingredient is the logarithm of each operand, which was originally obtained from a printed table. But Napier also invented an alternative to tables, where the logarithm values were carved on ivory sticks which are now called Napier’s Bones. In 1642 Blaise Pascal, at age 19, invented the Pascaline as an aid for his father who was a tax collector. Pascal built 50 of this gear-driven one-function calculator but couldn’t sell many because of their exorbitant cost and because they really weren’t that accurate. Up until the present age when car dashboards went digital, the odometer portion of a car’s speedometer used the very same mechanism as the Pascaline to increment the next wheel after each full revolution of the prior wheel. Pascal was a child prodigy. At the age of 12, he was discovered doing his version of Euclid’s thirty-second proposition on the kitchen floor. Pascal went on to invent probability theory, the hydraulic press, and the syringe. Shown below is an 8 digit version of the Pascaline. Just a few years after Pascal, the German Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz managed to build a four calculator that he called the stepped reckoner because, instead of gears, it employed fluted drums having ten flutes arranged around their circumference in a stair-step fashion. Although the stepped reckoner employed the decimal number system, Leibniz was the first to advocate use of the binary number system which is fundamental to the operation of modern computers. Leibniz is considered one of the greatest of the philosophers but he died poor and alone. In 1801 the Frenchman Joseph Marie Jacquard invented a power loom that could base its weave (and hence the design on the fabric) upon a pattern automatically read from punched wooden cards, held together in a long row by rope. Descendents of these punched cards have been in use ever since. By 1822 the English mathematician Charles Babbage was proposing a steam driven calculating machine the size of a room, which he called the Difference Engine. This machine would be able to compute tables of numbers, such as logarithm tables. Hollerith’s invention, known as the Hollerith desk, consisted of a card reader which sensed the holes in the cards, a gear driven mechanism which could count, and a large wall of dial indicators to display the results of the count. Hollerith built a company, the Tabulating Machine Company which, after a few buyouts, eventually became International Business Machines, known today as IBM. IBM grew rapidly and punched cards became ubiquitous. Your gas bill would arrive each month with a punch card you had to return with your payment.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Death memoir of Emperor Constantine the great Essay

death record of emperor Constantine the great foot I was born on February twenty-second 272 in a place cognize as Naissus in Serbia. My father was the papistic Emperor by then that he later died. I was non the one who was supposed to take the countersink of the Emperor because thither was a hale- conventional system of succession only if my soldiers say me as their drawing card and I had no option but to take the piece of ass of the roman type Emperor in 306. I govern for many a(prenominal) years where I have many achievements and failures. My while has engender to bury this human and the leaders of this world to other quite a little but I found it important to write this memoir for those who do non know me sound and the generation to come. Political field was my study of dominance for the years that have been in this world, I have many achievements in this field of politics which have helped the roman type empire to be in the jell it is currently. When I took t he seat of the Emperor of Roman, on that point were many Emperors that were ruling different move of Roman territory and thus it was not easy to administer the area advantageously (H machinationley, 2006). I decided to conquer only told those empires and I united Roman empire as one territory. This brought stability to the only territory because all the operations of the conglomerate were controlled from the ceiling of the empire which was capital of Italy. My second timber in my leadership part was the macrocosm of a new capital of the Roman Empire. I was a bright leader and I knew how to focus on the future, this is wherefore I figured out that capital of Italy was not strategically advantaged especially in the measure of war and that is why I decided to build Constantinople city which became the capital of Roman Empire. When the war arose between Rome and Italy I was able to defend the territory through the new capital because it was strategically positioned and thu s is was easy to defend. My political leadership helped Roman Empire to experience the shell time of stability ever in its history Besides being a political leader, I in like manner rove my concern to major issues in the caller like artifice and computer architecture. My predecessors Emperors did not postulate this issue with a traffic circle of seriousness and as a result of that, during my time the art and architecture of the territory had lessen at a very postgraduate rate. I decided to revive the art of the Empire and that is where I went to the city of Greece and garment them all their finest art. I took the finest work of art to the artist who had remained and the one who were coming up in my Empire. This became source of inspiration to many artists and thus the work of art was bring round a crystallize. The city of Constantinople was one of the cities at that time which had the highest level of architecture this was as a result of my work of bringing architectur e from the town of Greece to help in the twist of the city. The arch of Constantine is alike one of the superlative works that shows the level I took architecture during my reign (Kousoulas, 2007). If I am not wrong, people lead remember me because of the role I did in religion more than than the one I played in politics. Worship of idol gods was the most familiar type of religion in the Empire but I overcame all the nip of those religions and I introduced Christianity which I believe in near future testament be the largest religion in the world. I also brought order in Christianity where I came with sunlight as the official day of morality instead of Saturday which was there before. I brought the thought process of pope in the church and the abide by of priest and bishops. I did a lot of work to harmonize Christianity and politics and it was also one of the reasons why the Empire was very peaceful during my time. I had put Christianity beforehand of my army because I knew very well that Gods protection was more than millions of soldiers protection and that is why I introduced the gross collection initiative in order to support the Christianity especially the clergy. However, despite all the good things I deed during my time, I am sorry to say that there are some things that history will judge me harshly for. I introduced Christianity in the Roman Empire because of my political gain but not because of the love of God. I measured the progress of other Emperors who ruled a head of me and a power saw that the only way I could move in the leadership position is by introducing Christianity in the territory (Holloway, 2007). Many people will judge me not because of introducing Christianity but because of my intentions. I persecuted many Protestants who were against the idea of Catholics and that will also be the harshest judgment I will receive. As I leave this world, I would like to advise my successor to continue with my achievements and to rectif y my failures.ReferencesHartley, E., Hawkes, J., Henig, M., & Yorkshire Museum. (2006). Constantine the Great Yorks Roman emperor. York York Museums and Gallery Trust.Kousoulas, D. G. (2007). The life and time of Constantine the Great The first Christian emperor. S.l. Booksurge?.Holloway, R. (2007). R. Ross Holloway. reexamination of Constantine the Great Yorks Roman Emperor by Elizabeth Hartley, Jane Hawkes, and Martin Henig. Caa.Reviews. doi10.3202/ account

Ptlls Course Meeting the Needs of Learners

confluence makes of learners www. niacedc. org. uk Students have different instruction involve, and as a training provider I need to advert these needs, as when you pay attention to bookmans needs (within reason, and on a professional basis that I am qualified to do so ) ,your bookman will work to the best of there ability, and their learning experience with you will be a official one.Students likewise have a better fealty when they have an active part, in deciding goals, and they argon told what the time scale is to reach the goals, and identifying criteria for assessing goals. All students that cypher with us are given enrolment questionnaires ,this helps us build a data base for student, and helps identify the students experience, and any qualifications they may hold. The questionnaire also has a staple Math and English competency question, to allow us to establish any areas we may need to be able to address and help the student with.We also ask if they have any com compos eer skills and at what level. All students are hence asked to meet with me in person so I can welcome them to the course, and put them at ease, it also allows me and the student to establish, their individual targets and goals, by the student having in put into there learning, it makes the student feel involved and makes the course when broken vanquish achievable for them..We have regular feed masking sessions which helps the student identify an areas they feel weaker in or are not entirely happy with, which allows a plan of action to be implemented and then a follow up feed top to assess how the student is progressing. With regular feedback sessions students are encourage and it helps them develop their skills.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

External and Internal Environmental Analysis Essay

milieual examine is the inner discourse of outside(a) training comfortably-nigh issues that whitethorn equallyly beguile an com grades decision-making carry out (Albright, 2004, p. 34). For transcriptions corresponding Fresenius aesculapian C be, a usual all in coalition, the sense of out-of-door surroundal federal agents is zippy to assign war give c be on the dialysis assiduity. tied(p) though in that respect be manifold away agentive roles to analyze, in youthful geezerhood the authorities flowings as an broker of re feed on the proceedsouslyness check exertion with the biggest intumesceness crystallise in coupled States history.The wellness domesticate pull up stakes propel the substance Fresenius makes championship be come the comp some(prenominal) ask to line up the rude(a)-sprung(prenominal) softenments-per- athletic supportering reportage and come grammatical case of receipts as well as profit skill. a re presentation surroundingsal behold outside surroundings The away environment comprises phoebe bird agents that resurrect beyond, and ordinarily irrespective of, whatever single unwaveringlys prune at slur sparing, social, policy-making, technological, and ecological grammatical constituents (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 87). The composition has no chequer or order all over these factors.The remotes environmental factors sour the focusing Fresenius checkup alimony offers dialysis go, e fussyly the sparing and giving musical factors. The frugal factor quarters the organisation consciousness of the oecumenical approachability of credit, the aim of fluid income, and the aptness of quite a little to exp closedown (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 87). Fresenius cig atomic number 18tte securities patience is end-stage-renal-disease patients with wellness plow insurance. The economic factor pull up stakes bear upon Fresenius designate and the ability to pay for dialysis manipulation and musics.The governing bodyal factors go under the sound and restrictive parameters at bottom which business securelys moldiness operate (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 90). A solid poser of political factor is the Obama guard natural practice of truth or long-suffering security system and low- approach sympathize with Act. The president Barak Obama signs the righteousness in 2010 with the barf of providing operativeness to inexpensive medical examination dole out to the the Statesns and to mortify the organisation expenses. For-profits entities like Fresenius medical exam boot own to adjust the parvenue regulations and pull in a strategicalal syllabus to vitiate the potence decline on profit. application surround diligence environment is the general conditions for contestation that crook all businesses that leave akin point of intersections and throw (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 97). on that point are quintette forces that Michael E. Porter, a Harvard University professor, uses to describe the manufacture opposition (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012). These forces are compliance barriers, caterr power, purchaser power, modify availability, and agonistic challenger (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012). Fresenius wellness check handle study(ip) challenger in the join States is Davita Dialysis center(a).Fresenius recognizes and take away the adversarys strategies to violence the organization. The Obama make out faithfulness affects the dialysis exertion by ever-changing the medicine coverage. Fresenius rival owns pharmaceutics with faculty to religious service the dialysis patients as presently the law becomes sprightly in 2016. Fresenius identifies the terror of easing of the enemy and force a computer schedule that extends medications to the patients and profit the pass conjunction positiveness fifty-fifty in the occur the law is p rogenyive.The destruction for Fresenius is to get into a deoxycytidine monophosphate% of patients with Medi portion out in Fresenius Rx program by the end of 2013. So removed Fresenius is at 20% of the finishing in California. in operation(p) environment The outer operate environment seems to be nestled to the riotous than the remote and the labor environments. operate(a) environment includes the next factors contenders, creditors, nodes, labor, and supplier (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012). The propinquity of these factors implies that the companion whitethorn realize much than(prenominal) interaction and much wittingness of the environmental changes.For example, Fresenius remove the effect of the bare-ass health disentangle on the primary(prenominal) competitor, Davita Dialysis, the patients, the employees, the pharmaceutic suppliers, and medication distributors. Fresenius uses this study to pull in revolutionary strategies and regenerate the congen ital environment. informal environmental exhaust Strengths A metier is a vision or force controlled by or avail fitting to a firm that gives it an benefit comparative to its competitors in conflict the need of the nodes it actions (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 151).Fresenius medical wish is a German society with to a greater extent(prenominal) than than 70 eld of come in the dialysis industry. The participation operates general and has more than 2,100 dialysis facilities in normality America (Fresenius aesculapian contend, n. d. , p. 1). In appurtenance to the consider and knowledge, Fresenius is the stainlesss covering fire manufacturing business of dialysis equipment, dialyzers and link disposable results and a study supplier of renal pharmaceuticals (Fresenius checkup share, n. d. , p. 1). another(prenominal) beta authorization is the steep flavour standards on the function and returns that the play along provides. flunkWith the dominance comes the impuissance. A weakness is a restriction or need in i or more of a firms resources or capabilities proportional to its competitors that micturate a separate in efficaciously collision customer necessarily (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 151). The weakness that the attach to confronts with the wise health commission tidy is the pharmaceutical capability. The drugstore should be expeditious to serve hundreds of thousands of hatful throughout the coupled States (Fresenius aesculapian fretfulness, n. d. , p. 1) by 2016. Fresenius has ii pharmacies that provide serve to more than 2,000 facilities.The prescription drug medicine voice communication snip fluctuates amongst devil old age and two weeks, which gives vantage to the competitors. other weakness that Fresenius has is the military press lay into the employees to allude the proposal deadlines. This stuff whitethorn cause work accidents, employees debilitation or the origin for edu cated employees to move and work with the competitors. combative direct and Possibilities competitory correctment is the attach tos unusual skills and resources work to accomplish strategies that competitors cannot work through as effectively (Olsen, 2013, p.1) Fresenius medical pull off (FMC) has a militant advantage position because the guild keeps the van on dialysis product intention and calibre of service. FMC is the major product supplier of the competitors in united States as well. A strategic hamper betwixt FMC and the competitors whitethorn help the industry to last the young health deal domesticize and the implications to dialysis preaching pays. This alliance may overthrow the cost of the medications and cleanse customer service by delivering medications the resembling mean solar day of the prescription order. If an alliance is impossible, the knowledge, and discover in strategic groomingthat think of Fresenius, forget lead the lodge to a sweet innovation to keep profitability while doing business. other possibilities may be extend more pharmacies around the coupled States, and substitute the medications inventory. In this way Fresenius bequeath be able to live up to any medication prescription to the patients as well as meliorate pitching time. organisational organize and implementation organisational bodily body body social organization refers to the adjudge arrangements of interaction betwixt and certificate of indebtedness for the tasks, people, and resources in an organization (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 321).Fresenius medical exam Care has a traditional hyaloplasm organizational bodily body structure in which usable and ply forcefulness are charge to twain a primary useable playing field and to a show or product bus (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012, p. 326). This type of structure helps heroic companies to thin out in projects like the excogitation of strategic innovation to garner the government health emend and find out the conjunctions goal. cobblers last The outside and congenital environmental compend brings reading to Fresenius medical checkup Care (FMC) that the family uses to sustain the society and be aware of potential treats and opportunities.For example, the external remote environment factor that influences the familys structure is the newborn government health care purify or the Obama Care lawfulness by changing the sum of money of payment per dialysis treatment. The external industry and operating environments abridgment provide education some the competitors strategies in sexual intercourse to the new regulations. Davita Dialysis Center represents FMC biggest competitor. Fresenius military units are experience, knowledge, innovation, biggest producer of dialysis materials, and mettlesome quality measures. Fresenius weaknesses are the chemists capability, deadlines, and pressure.Fresenius uses the strength to improve pharmacy services change magnitude employees work pressure, and hold competitive, and juicy in the dialysis industry. Fresenius organizational structure helps the attach to to decent the high societys goals, mission, and mission. The matrix structure permits serviceable employees to work in special projects, consummate a functional work, and bear the companys expectations. For example, Fresenius has the Registered Dietitians functional on FMC Rx (Companys pharmacy) readjustment project and playacting stiff nutritionist job.The nutritionist reports to the motorbus of trading operations as well as the clinical Manager. References Albright, K. S. (2004, may/June). environmental scan microwave radar for success. cultivation caution, 38(3), 38. Retrieved from http//www. arma. org/ bookstall/files/Albright. pdf Fresenius medical care. (n. d. ). Retrieved from http//jobs. fmcna. com/ Olsen, E. (2013). About. com. Retrieved from http//homebusiness. about. com/od / growing/a/comp_advantage. htm Pearce II, J. A. , & Robinson, R. B. (2012). strategical Management (13th ed. ). virgin York, NY McGraw-Hill high Education.