Saturday, August 31, 2019

Intro to Macro Notes

A situation In which unlimited wants exceed the Ilmlted resources available to fulfill those wants Economics: The study of the choices people make to attain their goals, given their scarce resources. Economic Model: A simplified version of reality used to analyze real-world economic situations.Often based on unrealistic assumptions that simplify the problem at hand without substantially affecting the validity of the answer No one model can address every important topic, so we will learn diff models as we study difftopics Economic analysis may be positive or normative: Positive analysis: Analysis concerned with what is Positive statements can be evaluated as true or false using only data. For example, â€Å"After speeding cameras were Installed on 1-38, the average speed of motorists dec reased. † Normative analysis: Analysis concerned with what ought to be.Normative statemnts involve personal values, so they cannot be evaluated as true or flase using only data â€Å"the gover nemtn should install addition speeding cameras on 1-380 Economics is studied on two levels: Microeconomics: The study of how households and firms make choices, how they nteract in markets, and how the government attempts to influence their choices. Macroeconomics: The study ot the economy as a whole including topics such as Inflation, unemployment, and economic growth. Micro and macro are closely Interwlned because changes In the overall economy arise from the decisions of individual households and firms.CHAPTER 2 Trade off: The idea hat because of scarcity, producing more of one good or service means producing less of another good or service PPH A curve snowlng tne maxlmum attalnaDle comDlnatlons 0T two products tn ay be produced with available resources and current technology The PPF is an economic model used to analyze the tradeoffs that individuals firms, and countries face when deciding how to employ their scarce resources. Combinations outside the PPF are unattainable, given t he available resources and current technology (scarcity) Combinations inside or on the PPF are attainable, given current shit.Inside the PPF is ineffificent, reosuces are not being used and possible for economy to produce more of one without making more of other Comibinations of the PPF are efficient because the maximum output obtained from he available resouces are current technology so it is impossible for the economy to produce more of one good without producing less of the other(Trade ofO Oportunity cost: The highest-valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity Every choice has an opportunity cost because every choice has a next-best alternative In our pPF example near can use all is avaible resources and current technology to produce either 200 laptops per week or 400 tablets per week 200L=400T so 1 L=2T and IT=O. L Near's Marginal opportunity cost of 1 laptop is constant at 2 tablets, meaning that for Near to produce 1 more laptop, it must give up producin g 2 tablets; inversely, Near's marginal opportunity cost of 1 tablet is constant at one-half of a laptop, meaning that for Near to produce 1 more tablet, it must give up producing one-half of a laptop In the same example, Far can use all resources and currnet technology to produce either 220 laptops per week or 1100 tablets per week 220L=1100T, so IL-5T and IT=. 2L Fars marginal opportunity cost of 1 laptop is constant at 5 tablets, and Fars marginal opportunity cost of 1 tablet is constant at one-fifth ofa laptopA bowed-out PPF illustrates increasing marginal opportunity costs: as the economy increases it production of one good in one-unit increments, it must decrease tis production of the other good by larger and larger amounts (see page 44 of the textbook for a numerical example) I nls occurs Decause some resources are netter sultea to produce one g ratner than the other A bowed-out PPF is more realistic than a straight-line PPF but we use straight-line PPFs for simplicity (the c onclusions are the same for both) At any given time, the resources available to an economy are fixed, but over time, the esources available to an economy may increase or decrease. When an economy gains resources, its PPF shirts outward, and when an economy loses resources , its PPF shifts inward An improvement in technology makes it possible for an economy to produce more goods and services with the same amount of resources, so the economy's PPF shifts outward when technology improves. Economic Growth: The ability of the economy to increase the production of goods and services. Outward shifts of an economys PPF represent economic growth EXAMPLES: illustrate the effect of each of the following on a bowed-out PPF for corn and computers:Comparative advantage: The ability of an individual, a firm or country to produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than competitors Near has the compartative advantage in the production of laptops: Far's marginical opportunity cost of 1 lap top is 5 tablets, while nears marginial oppurnity cost of 1 laptop is only 2 tablets. Far has the comparative advantage in the production of tablets. Near's marginal opportunity cost of 1 tablet is one-half of a laptop, while far's marginal opportunity cost of 1 tablet is only one-fifth ofa laptop. It is possitble o have the absolute advantage without having comparative advantage n production of that good (far and laptops) It is possible to have comparative advantage without having absolute advantage too. near and laptops) Gains from trade arise form specialization and trade are based on comparative advantage.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Speech Analysis Essay

http://www. pbs. org/newshour/character/links/nixon_speech. html PRESIDENT NIXON'S RESIGNATION SPEECH August 8, 1974 Good evening. This is the 37th time I have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shaped the history of this Nation. Each time I have done so to discuss with you some matter that I believe affected the national interest. In all the decisions I have made in my public life, I have always tried to do what was best for the Nation.Throughout the long and difficult period of Watergate, I have felt it was my duty to persevere, to make every possible effort to complete the term of office to which you elected me. In the past few days, however, it has become evident to me that I no longer have a strong enough political base in the Congress to justify continuing that effort. As long as there was such a base, I felt strongly that it was necessary to see the constitutional process through to its conclusion, that to do otherwise would be unfaithf ul to the spirit of that deliberately difficult process and a dangerously destabilizing precedent for the future.But with the disappearance of that base, I now believe that the constitutional purpose has been served, and there is no longer a need for the process to be prolonged. I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so. But the interest of the Nation must always come before any personal considerations.From the discussions I have had with Congressional and other leaders, I have concluded that because of the Watergate matter I might not have the support of the Congress that I would consider necessary to back the very difficult decisions and carry out the duties of this office in the way the interests of the Nation would require. I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But as President, I must put the in terest of America first. America needs a full-time President and a full-time Congress, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad.To continue to fight through the months ahead for my personal vindication would almost totally absorb the time and attention of both the President and the Congress in a period when our entire focus should be on the great issues of peace abroad and prosperity without inflation at home. Therefore, I shall resign the Presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will be sworn in as President at that hour in this office. As I recall the high hopes for America with which we began this second term, I feel a great sadness that I will not be here in this office working on your behalf to achieve those hopes in the next 21/2 years.But in turning over direction of the Government to Vice President Ford, I know, as I told the Nation when I nominated him for that office 10 months ago, that the leadership of America will be in good h ands. In passing this office to the Vice President, I also do so with the profound sense of the weight of responsibility that will fall on his shoulders tomorrow and, therefore, of the understanding, the patience, the cooperation he will need from all Americans. As he assumes that responsibility, he will deserve the help and the support of all of us.As we look to the future, the first essential is to begin healing the wounds of this Nation, to put the bitterness and divisions of the recent past behind us, and to rediscover those shared ideals that lie at the heart of our strength and unity as a great and as a free people. By taking this action, I hope that I will have hastened the start of that process of healing which is so desperately needed in America. I regret deeply any injuries that may have been done in the course of the events that led to this decision.I would say only that if some of my Judgments were wrong, and some were wrong, they were made in what I believed at the time to be the best interest of the Nation. To those who have stood with me during these past difficult months, to my family, my friends, to many others who joined in supporting my cause because they believed it was right, I will be eternally grateful for your support. And to those who have not felt able to give me your support, let me say I leave with no bitterness toward those who have opposed me, because all of us, in the final analysis, have been concerned with the good of the country, however our judgments might differ.So, let us all now join together in affirming that common commitment and in helping our new President succeed for the benefit of all Americans. I shall leave this office with regret at not completing my term, but with gratitude for the privilege of serving as your President for the past 51/2 years. These years have been a momentous time in the history of our Nation and the world. They have been a time of achievement in which we can all be proud, achievements that rep resent the shared efforts of the Administration, the Congress, and the people.But the challenges ahead are equally great, and they, too, will require the support and the efforts of the Congress and the people working in cooperation with the new Administration. We have ended America's longest war, but in the work of securing a lasting peace in the world, the goals ahead are even more far-reaching and more difficult. We must complete a structure of peace so that it will be said of this generation, our generation of Americans, by the people of all nations, not only that we ended one war but that we prevented future wars.We have unlocked the doors that for a quarter of a century stood between the United States and the People's Republic of China. We must now ensure that the one quarter of the world's people who live in the People's Republic of China will be and remain not our enemies but our friends. In the Middle East, 100 million people in the Arab countries, many of whom have consider ed us their enemy for nearly 20 years, now look on us as their friends. We must continue to build on that friendship so that peace can settle at last over the Middle East and so that the cradle of civilization will not become its grave.Together with the Soviet Union we have made the crucial breakthroughs that have begun the process of limiting nuclear arms. But we must set as our goal not just limiting but reducing and finally destroying these terrible weapons so that they cannot destroy civilization and so that the threat of nuclear war will no longer hang over the world and the people. We have opened the new relation with the Soviet Union. We must continue to develop and expand that new relationship so that the two strongest nations of the world will live together in cooperation rather than confrontation.Around the world, in Asia, in Africa, in Latin America, in the Middle East, there are millions of people who live in terrible poverty, even starvation. We must keep as our goal tu rning away from production for war and expanding production for peace so that people everywhere on this earth can at last look forward in their children's time, if not in our own time, to having the necessities for a decent life. Here in America, we are fortunate that most of our people have not only the blessings of liberty but also the means to live full and good and, by the world's standards, even abundant lives.We must press on, however, toward a goal of not only more and better jobs but of full opportunity for every American and of what we are striving so hard right now to achieve, prosperity without inflation. For more than a quarter of a century in public life I have shared in the turbulent history of this era. I have fought for what I believed in. I have tried to the best of my ability to discharge those duties and meet those responsibilities that were entrusted to me.Sometimes I have succeeded and sometimes I have failed, but always I have taken heart from what Theodore Roo sevelt once said about the man in the arena, â€Å"whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes short again and again because there is not effort without error and shortcoming, but who does actually strive to do the deed, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause, who at the best knows in the end the triumphs of high achievements and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly. I pledge to you tonight that as long as I have a breath of life in my body, I shall continue in that spirit. I shall continue to work for the great causes to which I have been dedicated throughout my years as a Congressman, a Senator, a Vice President, and President, the cause of peace not just for America but among all nations, prosperity, justice, and opportunity for all of our people. There is one cause above all to which I have been devoted and to which I shall always be devoted for as l ong as I live.When I first took the oath of office as President 51/2 years ago, I made this sacred commitment, to â€Å"consecrate my office, my energies, and all the wisdom I can summon to the cause of peace among nations. † I have done my very best in all the days since to be true to that pledge. As a result of these efforts, I am confident that the world is a safer place today, not only for the people of America but for the people of all nations, and that all of our children have a better chance than before of living in peace rather than dying in war.This, more than anything, is what I hoped to achieve when I sought the Presidency. This, more than anything, is what I hope will be my legacy to you, to our country, as I leave the Presidency. To have served in this office is to have felt a very personal sense of kinship with each and every American. In leaving it, I do so with this prayer: May God's grace be with you in all the days ahead. NOTE: The President spoke at 9: 01 p . m. in the Oval Office at the White House. The address was broadcast live on radio and television. Analyzing Famous Speeches In Richard M.Nixon's very effective resignation speech, Ray Price uses logic and emotion to get his point across: that he wanted to resign and protect his name. Nixon gave this speech on August 8, 1974, because of the political turmoil that was happening in the United States. Richard M. Nixon had to (Kilpatrick). What makes it so remarkable is that he was the only president to resign (Beschloss). Logic was one of the main uses in Ray Prices speech. â€Å"This is the thirty-seventh time I have spoken to you from this office, where so many decisions have been made that shaped the history of this nation.America needs a full-time president and a full-time congress, particularly at this time with problems we face at home and abroad† (Price 2). These are just a couple of examples of logic in this speech. All of the facts that he uses drive his speech to perf ection. â€Å"I would have preferred to carry through to the finish whatever the personal agony it would have involved, and my family unanimously urged me to do so† (Price 1). This was one of the main examples of emotion. He tried to pull at the heart strings of the audience. Ray Price uses this to add to the effectiveness of the speech.Both of these things were used to complement his means to write the speech. He gets his point across using these factors. Overall Ray Price got his point across in a very successful way by using these elements. Kilpatrick, Carroll. â€Å"Nixon Resigns. † Washington Post. Washingtonpost. com, 1974. Web. 17 Mar. 2013 http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp-srv/national/longterm/watergate/articles/080974-3. html. Beschloss, Michael. â€Å"Richard M. Nixon. † The White House. Www. whitehouse. gov , 2009. Web. 17 Mar. 2013. http://www. whitehouse. gov/about/president/richardnixon.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Does mother earth have the capacity to sustain continued population growth

That is the question I am going to answer in the following essay. We will be looking at two persons who gave there opinion about the principal of population growth and their solutions. One called, Robert Malthus, the other person called Ester Boserup. They both differ a lot of each other in opinion. Boserup was more optimistic about it, although on the other hand Malthus was very sceptic and pessimistic. I will include their arguments and their way of looking at population growth later on, combined with my own view. Several facts are concurring about population growth. When the world would collapse of its own infirmity, it will be due different factors. One of them will be due global warming. This is also one of the arguments of Malthus which influences his credo1. Population growth is a very important issue for geographers now a day. These geographers are certainly divided into 2 groups. One group focuses more on the Malthusian-way of thinking and the other support Ester Boserups her ideas, which are more optimistic. Worries about population growth are not new. About 200 years ago, Malthus published a essay called; The Principal of Population Growth. His main arguments in this essay were about the geometrically grow of population, while the resources available to support it tend to grow arithmetically. He presented his theory in response to optimists who thought that mankind can master environment bottomless. They verified this idea with some new cures such as DDT which eliminates misquotes born with malaria, anti-biotics. During the same period, the â€Å"Green Revolution† greatly boosted food output through the cultivation of new disease-resistant rice and other food crops, and the use of fertilizers and more effective farming methods. These changes have contributed to a dramatic increase in human population growth rates2. Global Warming is causing a big impact on population growth. The carbon dioxide is sacrificing the earths nature causing a enormous impact on water altitude. Increasing water altitude causes the sea level to rise. This will finally result in floods of areas were people life. Due this fact, people will have to move because otherwise they risk another deluge. Because of this process it will contribute to the fact that the earths living surface can decrease. As more people are settling on earth then people leaving it will result that there isn't enough space for such an amount of inhabitants. If you look at the facts of Population Growth, it will tell you that, every minute there are 5 babies born. This means that every year 87 million people are added to the world. In 1999 the World Watchers institute said that population growth is slowing down due the fact of rising Death Rates. They estimated a 8,9 billion people on the world instead of the predicted 9,4 billion. Two-thirds of this drop is because of falling birth rates, but one-third is due rising death rates. Three factors are pushing the death rates up, especially in sub-Saharan Africa and the Indian sub-continent3: the HIV epidemic the depletion of aquifers shrinking cropland area per person. We analyze the worlds carrying capacity with Net Primary Productivity. It represents the total food resource on earth. It has been calculated that we are using 40% of the terrestrial food supply. This leaves 60% left on earth, theoreticly human population would therefore be 2.5x the current level that is 2.5Ãâ€"5.9 = 15 billion, a number that will be reached within the next century if present trends continue4. Overall, the answer would be No to the question we asked earlier. Mother earth cannot sustain continuing population growth. Scientist keep making solutions to provide human better health care, but when you look at it, medicine cure people, which influences Mortality rate obviously. So on the other hand it speaks against itself. Population growth is increasing last few years as it never did before and it is going to move on. As there are coming more inhabitants, there won't be enough space one day, to grow crops and shelters at the same time. Global warming is causing the world the heat up, increasing sea level and destroy rainforest (one of our big food resources on earth)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Personal Statement Example And once I settled down with the campus life, I was more than eager to begin my education. However things did not turn out as I had expected as all my hopes that were built during the first few weeks did not last for long and I was left to think whether I really intended to continue my education in that place. After a lot of thinking, I then decided to transfer to a different college, though I was initially apprehensive about my parent’s response to my decision. After much debate and consultation, I have now finally decided to take the chance and apply for the university; one, which I believe, would provide me with good education and at the same time also aid in my personality growth and development into a better individual. College education changed my perception of education in many ways and also my objectives in life. The experience that I gained during my first semester at college was vastly different from that of school and it made me become more independent and pushed me to work harder with my studies. The confidence that I gained during this period helped me choose my major subjects and other courses, according to my liking and strength and also learnt the most important requirement of effective time management. I realized that there was more to education than what I had previously imagined.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Historical Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Historical Literature - Essay Example Malamund’s story tells only one of the many struggles between heritage and what is accepted by society. Over the course of history many people have been persecuted and forced into submission by a bigger more socially accepted culture. Jewish religion has always met with persecution throughout history, but unfortunately while the Jewish are the most well known, they are not the only ones who have had to endure the life ruining affects of an invading people and culture bigger than their own. History is riddled with stories of people who were seen as inferior by conquering cultures. The Jew Bird details the destruction of a culture overwhelmed by a larger population’s expectations and ideas as to the way a person is supposed to live their life. Malamund uses Cohen as an example of what every Jewish American realizes and fears will become of their culture and their way of living. Cohen has forgotten the ways that he used to live. His way of living has been so completely altered that he does not even recognize a true Jew when he sees one, and when questioned about Jewbird he says,† Poor bird, my ass. He is a foxy bastard. He thinks he is a Jew† (Malamund 738). Cohen has become bitter and weary of life and takes little joy in anything. For example, when Jewbird comes to his door asking for food, instead of graciously inviting him into his home and offering him food and comfort as Jewish culture previously condoned, he harshly tries to turn him away by saying, "This aint a restaurant" (Malamund 738). He does not want to help out or give anyone charity because no one did that for him while his people were being persecuted by the Nazis and being killed by the thousands. The presence of Jewbird in the story gives the reader a stinging reminder of how wonderful the Jewish culture once was and how horribly destroyed it became. The contrast between Jewbird and Cohen is so strong. While Cohen wont go out of his way for anyone, Jewbird "Spends most

Oprah Winfrey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Oprah Winfrey - Essay Example In spite of a vacuum of formal business plans, she has mostly been successful in all of her endeavors. One of the reasons for her consistent success in the business field is the vision of her business- humanitarian services for the less fortunate. She is considered to be a transformational leader, who has a clear vision and direction for her business. Modern businesses cannot be run without the presence of formal strategic plans and business models since there exists an extensive degree of competition in the prevailing markets. Companies need to formulate effective strategies from analysis of relevant data to survive in the modern markets. Oprah has been able to achieve success without any formal structural planning because her fame and humanitarian attitude have been some of the major drivers of her business. Her successes reaffirm her decision to adopt risk-taking entrepreneurship approach. Her personality and spirit could not have been better reflected in her business if any other approach would have been adopted. Decisions based on gut-feelings suit her unique business needs and vision.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Women Stepping Up In American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Women Stepping Up In American History - Essay Example Of course, this was not by choice; therefore, they decided to take a stand, and when both World Wars came, their prayers were answered. Nevertheless, the paper will focus on discussing the role of women in American business, from 1900 until now. After finally making their way into the manual labor force in America and overseas, women took further steps towards equal pay and became subjects of propaganda. Although the fight for equal pay continued, once all wars ended women were then immediately expected to give away their jobs and settle back into their caregiver role. This did not run smoothly in the eyes of women, and they revolted in strikes since they knew that their efforts would prove to be triumphant, hence leave an interminable mark on American society. After the two wars, women were free to create their own lives, able to vote and allowed the right to a full education, and this increase in freedom led to an increase in occupied American women. Not only were they evolving in the work force, but also over the last century, fashion in America has experienced continual upheavals and radical changes. Ranging from dress length to head pieces, women used fashion as another way to express themselves and make their unique m ark throughout history. Historically, women earned their living by keeping boarding houses while others were in occupations that were available to men. In this case, some of the women were doctors, lawyers, teachers and writers, and by the end of the nineteenth century, there was acceptable for women’s professions, though there were few women working in factories or as domestic workers. Nevertheless, there was an exclusion of women from their profession apart from working as writers or teachers, for instance in the medical profession, there was a changed attitude during nineteenth and twentieth century concerning the occupation, which was suitable for women.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Read book Mystic River by Dennis Lehane Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Read book Mystic River by Dennis Lehane - Essay Example In the case of the character of Dave, his ‘tanha’ had caused him to question and even deny God’s rule over the earth. This may be influenced by significant events of Dave’s past, namely the incident of when he is sexually molested which ultimately changes his childhood and his outlook and attitude towards the outside world. Moreover, those around him find him hard to understand, as it is difficult to comprehend him due to the ambiguity of his statements and expressions. This makes him seem like a conspicuous character, suggesting perhaps, that he is ill at ease and unsettled, lacking a sense of peace and direction. There is an internal conflict within Dave, wherein he is struggling with his dark side that not only allures him with satanic temptations, but also forces him to treat others in the same way he had been treated in his life. Again, the theme of the power of the past contributing greatly to the characters is apparent with Jimmy. Jimmy’s atta chment to the past causes him a lack of Apatheia. Despite his efforts to take control of his own life, he finds it difficult to accept the fact that there are certain circumstances for which he has no control over; that is, he cannot go back to the events of his past. This may be exhibited in his question of guilt. These questions have made his wife wonder if is indeed feeling remorse or if his actions are merely an obligation due to his love and responsibility of his daughter. The fact that he himself is conflicted on whether or not he feels guilty further elaborates this. To him, guilt is merely temporary, it comes and goes in passing, but there is a disconnect with true emotions. As he continues to struggle with moving forward with his life, stark reminders of his past continue to plague him. Because is unable to rescue the deeds of his past (his karmas), he remains in an altered form of Apatheia. According to Hindu mythology, a man must face his own karmas for the duration of hi s lifetime (Livingstone). His lack of Apatheia causes him to seek a life of innocence, which is impossible for him. This frustrates him and causes him to lead a life of suffering. Sean on the other hand, is a character who believes in Halakha, which is the idea of a perfect moral ethic. Halakha is a perfect ethical rule that may be able to lead mankind to peace. Sean is a character who had lived a comfortable childhood and partially believes in laws and commandments which may result in a healthy solution. He is one who would have preferred religious ethics such as perfect theocracy to their religious insight. Although Sean’s profession prompts him to bring about law and order, issues in his personal life tempt him to opt to misuse law and order for his own gains. Theological reflection is not only seen in the characters, but in the setting as well. However, the classical approach to religion is replaced by authors and philosophers that may be termed as ‘religious existe ntialist’. Jimmy’s struggles with his actions reflect the kind of punishment described by Dostoevsky in his view of Christianity. His view sees Christianity as closer to spiritualism such as with Hinduism, Islam, and other eastern religions (Dostoevsky, n.p.). In Hinduism, ‘karmas’ leads one to the punishment he must face. In the same way Jimmy’s actions leads him to the punishment he would eventually have to deal with. Jimmy deals with a moral crisis when he reflects on how

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Writting exercises Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writting exercises - Research Paper Example However, at times they will feel so inadequate, vulnerable and insecure. On the other hand, embodiment on the side of males asserts that males tend to develop physical strength and to enhance their masculinity. In addition, embodiment states that the consciousness of males or females is likely to be partly shaped by their body. Bodily knowledge involves an individual’s knowledge of the potential of their body and its capability. Therefore, gender embodiment tends to change most of the men’s studies that have been put forward. This is because; most of these studies assert that; masculinity is mainly meant for the men and that it is a factor that differentiates them from women. However, according to embodiment of gender, each person can know their body and understand its functioning and thus, be able to work as it agrees. For instance, the materialist female’s theory states that; every individual’s body has the potential for collective empowerment and change (Theberge, 499). This implies that; masculinity in men’s studies is not a characteristic that can be used to distinguish men from women (Howson, 37). Gender embodiment also changes men’s studies since; it asserts that females can also engage in activities which have been set aside as belonging to men only. While masculinity studies assert that it is only men who can participate in certain sports such as hockey, embodiment states that females can also participate since in such sports since; all they need is to consciously understand their body and what it is capable of doing. Gender embodiment states that a person does not have to define his or her nature according to what masculinity theories state. This is because; our bodies are subject to change and adaptability. Therefore, all we need it is to train our bodies and they will learn and adapt. In addition, the social distinction of a

Friday, August 23, 2019

Dyslexia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Dyslexia - Research Paper Example In our brain there is an area known as Wernicke’s area which is also known as general interpretive area. In Wernicke’s area the somatic, visual and auditory association areas meet each other. The Wernicke’s area then interprets the signals of all the three types of sensations. In damage to Wernicke’s area the person may hear normally and can distinguish the different words but it would be impossible for him to arrange the words into specific thoughts. To read correctly, the brain should interpret the visual signals correctly (Guyton & Hall, 2011 p 752, p 758). To interpret it correctly we have a specific area for the interpretation of the visual signals especially symbols and graphics. The area associated with the interpretation of visual information is known as angular gyrus which is located behind the Wernicke’s area in the posterior parietal lobe. Any harm to this area causes difficulty in reading words because the angular gyrus transmits the sig nal from visual cortex to the Wernicke’s area. So the damage of angular gyrus blocks the transmission of visual signals from visual cortex and the person becomes unable to read correctly. This condition is known as dyslexia and is also called word blindness. Anatomically the dyslexic brain has ectopic neurons. A neuron transmits signals when it is excited and in a dyslexic brain the neuron is activated in a distinct manner. This distinct manner of activation of ectopic neuron in a dyslexic person causes difficulty in learning and reading (Hall & Guyton 2011 p 718; Snowling 2011 p1-28). Dyslexia is a disorder which has a high degree of transmission from parent to offspring. Genetic studies have shown that numbers of loci are involved in transmitting dyslexia from parents to offspring. Chromosome 1p, chromosome 2p11, chromosome 3, chromosome 6p, a locus on long arm of chromosome 15 are recognized as the transmitter genes for the dyslexia. A person with dyslexia cannot read prop erly and spells the words incorrectly even if he possesses a normal IQ level (Hall & Guyton 2011 p 718; Snowling 2011 p1-28). A study conducted by Lubs and his colleagues in the year 1988 highlighted the involvement of the chromosome 15 in the development of dyslexia in 30 percent of cases. Dyslexic children face numerous problems as they progress academically. In preschool children the diagnosis of dyslexia is not easy because he or she is not supposed to read and write. But these children show difficulty in speech and difficulty in learning new words. In primary school children a dyslexic patient has difficulty in learning alphabets and letters. A primary school dyslexic child faces the issue of not properly connecting the voices of the alphabets or letters related to that alphabet. He faces problems in rhyming words, mixing up the alphabets and differentiating between letters that make up the same sound for example aminal for animal. Another issue that they face is that of a coun ting i.e. they face major difficulties in basic mathematical calculations. All these problems mix up together to form further issues for the dyslexic children when they advance academically. The dyslexic children in their latter stages of primary school experience difficulty in reading but they can read to some extent. While reading they skip some words, they lose their pace and start reading again and again. They cannot focus on the page while reading and they hardly remember what they have read. They cannot recognize the space that separates words and they

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Ethnic Challenge Essay Example for Free

Ethnic Challenge Essay The article, â€Å"Ethnic Challenge† by Hollie Shaw discussed about marketing to ethnic groups in Canada. Shaw stated that understanding ethnic groups’ culture, beliefs, and realities is the key to successfully penetrate into their market. Companies, however, need to deliver their promises to these groups to boost sales and guarantee loyalty. Even though Canada adheres to multiculturalism, Shaw further noted that marketing to ethnic groups was never the case, as ads had only featured immigrants but had not directly targeted their market before. Today, however, companies like Shoppers Drug Mart Corp. Costco Wholesale Canada Ltd. , Hudson Bay Co. , and Wal-Mart Canada Corp. , uses cultural marketing. Moreover, Shaw pointed out the case of Sunsilk, a famous shampoo brand in South Asia, which reworked its proposed ad after research found that its ad featuring a gay male hairdresser and his female client and confidante will not be effective, as South Asian women do not have this kind of relationship with their hairdressers. In conclusion, Shaw stated that ethnic marketing will become more important in the coming years as more and more immigrants are finding home in Canada. Shaw’s â€Å"Ethnic Challenge† is related to the course material in that the latter justifies the contentions discussed in the former. Shaw began the article by saying that before, big companies lacked the efforts in â€Å"marketing to Canadian immigrants† (par. 1). The course material mentioned a world systems theory, which contends that there exists a â€Å"dominant core and a subordinate periphery in the contemporary world,† so people have the natural tendency to give more importance and attention to power and authority (p. 271). Consequently, based on the theory, big companies would give marketing priority to the dominant core that holds power and authority. In addition, the ethnic groups were previously excluded in marketing and advertising since the dominant culture perceived them as different â€Å"individuals and groups who do not conform to† societal expectations (p. 272). However, Shaw pointed out that marketing, which excludes immigrants and ethnic groups has been changing, as more businesses try to target them through their ads (pars. 2-3). This new focus of marketing can be credited to the rise of new philosophical approaches on humanism that questioned power and inequality. Furthermore, as human geographers increasingly become more aware of the diversity of people and places, cultures are not just viewed as a way of life but as a process that allows involvement from people who would construct their own landscapes (p. 270). Thus, the critical knowledge that theories have laid down affect how Canadian lifestyle and living has been, including marketing and advertising. In addition, the article, which discussed the shift of focus in marketing target and the course material, which mentioned the rise of critical definition of culture are very clear manifestations that Canada respects all ethnicities, as marketing now targets previously-ignored immigrants (par. 5) and as Canadian policies continue to actively encourage multiculturalism, respectively (p. 270). After reading through the course material and the article, I have come to realize the question we should ask ourselves as native Canadians: Do we want immigrants to be assimilated or acculturated into the Canadian society? Shaw’s article answered this by clearly discussing marketing and advertising that cater to ethnic cultures, tastes, beliefs, and realities – an acculturation which allows ethnic groups to become part of the larger Canadian society, but still retaining their distinctive identity. Personally, I do not want them to be completely assimilated to our society as they have native and original cultures that they naturally live by. Thus, ads should truthfully reflect and represent their realities if companies want to be successful in their businesses. Moreover, since there is no group or culture that stands above the others, if ads need to have different versions, in different languages, let them be. In this way, every group, ethnic or not, will feel that they are given attention and they have a place in the society. Paul Dalby’s â€Å"Truly an Epidemic: The Diabetes Epidemic,† revealed that diabetes, which was once considered a disease of the middle age, is becoming an â€Å"epidemic† in Ontario as Canadians, regardless of age groups, has been found to carry the disease. The article started with the case of Michael Jacoby, once an all-star athlete but now struggling with type 2 diabetes, â€Å"in which the pancreas does not produce sufficient insulin or the body does not properly use the insulin it makes. † Ninety percent of diabetics have this type of diabetes (par. 4). Dalby further revealed that there are 2. 25 million diabetics in Canada, one-third of which lives in Ontario – a 69 percent jump of the prevalence of the disease (pars. 7-8). Moreover, what is more alarming is that â€Å"children as young as 10 years old† have been found to have diabetes (par. 0). Thus, according to Dr. Diane Finegood, â€Å"a massive campaign to change bad habits† (par 22), which means a change from â€Å"supersized food† and â€Å"sedentary lifestyles† (par. 14) to proper eating and enough exercise (par. 23) is required. The course material is related to Dalby’s article in that the former can explain the details discussed in the latter. For instance, Dalby named diabetes an â€Å"epidemic,† which the course material defined as a temporary but widespread outbreak of a disease. Furthermore, the current statistics, which stated that one-third of the 2. 5 million diabetics come from Ontario, can be explained by the fact that the province, which is home to big cities, lives a very fast-paced life and holds more food choices. Thus, there is a greater opportunity to eat unhealthy foods. Moreover, Ontario, being an industrialized area, people tend to work longer hours and thus become less active to engage in exercise. However, according to the course material, the poor are less likely to be unhealthy. In Ontario, this does not seem to be the case, as those who acquire diabetes are â€Å"poor† in lifestyle choices – presence of a different culture and lack of exercise. Nevertheless, in other countries, the poor being unhealthy is justified because they are underfed. But in the case of Canada, most people are underfed of healthy foods. Furthermore, Dalby mentioned that a change in lifestyle of bad habits is needed to stop the rise of people suffering from diabetes and get Canadians to be healthy. The course material defined â€Å"being healthy† as living a healthy lifestyle; watching good eating habits, good physical and mental health, and strong immune system; not smoking or drinking; and regularly seeing a doctor for checkups. Moreover, Dalby’s revelation of diabetes being an epidemic is a cause of alarm for everyone because as the course material discussed, there is an interconnection between population, health, and environment, a study known as medical geography. With the unstoppable increase in Canada’s population, it cannot help but worry about the cause and spread of diabetes, the huge cost of healthcare systems to fight the epidemic, and the effects of a changing environment on the health of Canadians. The data that the course material provided enabled me to be worried about my own health, as well as the health of my fellow Canadians, particularly the children. Most of us are lured by fast food and unhealthy foodstuffs because of their unique and delicious tastes and availability; most also do not even do exercise due to lack of time and unwillingness. However, living in a fast-paced world is no excuse for us to disregard our health. If more, we should be primarily concerned because our population is not growing any smaller and our healthcare facilities are not getting any cheaper. Furthermore, we have to watch carefully our lifestyles against unhealthy food and habits because with the population boom, we do not know how our world can adequately provide for our basic needs for us to live happy, healthy, and satisfying lives. In addition, the innocent little ones, so fond of sweets and junk foods should be strictly guided and monitored to eat only healthy foods because without them, how can our nation function well in the future?

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Case Study - An Ethical Dilemma Essay Example for Free

Case Study An Ethical Dilemma Essay Jackie, a young star with a prominent voice who gets picked up by a professional recording label after performing at a national talent competition. Overwhelmed with excitement, thinks it is a dream come true to start a career with a lucrative contract. Meets and has an intimate encounter with her soon to be manager, Kevin. Months go by as their relationship begins to flourish but soon she starts to hear rumors that Kevin has helped a new girl in the legal department get her position threw their own personal relations. Jackie has suspicions that Kevin may be having other deeper interactions with this new girl. Jackie’s suspicions turn out to be true and she is devastated. She obviously breaks off the relationship with Kevin but cannot afford to lose him as her manager. Time goes by with awkward silence between the two but eventually Jackie decides to be professional with her career and continues to keep Kevin on as her manager. This lasts awhile until Kevin starts to make inappropriate sexual advances towards her. She tries to laugh it off but as he continues she threatens to make a formal complaint to legal. He does eventually stop but has stopped all efforts to promote her music thus making it very difficult for her to continue on with her success. She eventually does decide to make a complaint with legal, there is where she runs into Leslie, the girl that Kevin had got the position for in legal. She tells her, â€Å"even I believed you, you didn’t report this relationship which goes against our superior-employee ethics code†. So either she had the choice to let the matter go or to make a complaint which would in turn have her also reprimanded. She is forced with  an ultimate decision and eventually decides to do nothing. Summarized Ethical Issue at Heart The unethical issue at heart is the manager, Kevin, making inappropriate gestures towards Jackie after they had broken up. Doing so with Jackie’s vulnerable position of whether or not to report the issue which would do more harm than good. Or to leave the matter alone and just hope that Kevin would leave her alone. Neither option are better suited for Jackie who in this case is the victim, which leads to the question of appropriate ethical responsibility of the company. Details that are missing in the case A 3rd party perspective on the details of both parties. More detail as to what accusations were being made towards Kevin and Jackie. Whether Kevin had proper ethical training. List of all stakeholders who would be involved with this ethical dilemma. Employees Other artists Board of Trustees Investors Legal Department Customers Community Media Three stakeholders and the concerns they may have. Employees Don’t like how they are working for an unethically sound company. Thinking how it could happen to them if they were put in the same situation If the  problem was ever made public how would my job security look? Would this company’s name stain my resume? Investors How will my portfolio look if this artist is to become successful with another producer? Will this story become public? Will my shares plummet from this company’s bad publicity? What would happen to the company outlook if the entire company was to go thru proper corporate ethical training? Could it be a success? Board of Trustees This will look bad if the story was to made public How must will it cost to perform proper corporate training on proper ethical behavior? Do the managerial levels need to be reevaluated? Could the company be looking at a lawsuit? Five solutions. Perform corporate training at all levels reviewing proper ethical conduct Fire the manager Workout an undisclosed settlement See if another manager is available to take her on Leave and try to find successes elsewhere Top three solutions with possible consequences. 1. Perform corporate training at all levels, monitor it and have employees sign off on regulating polices that are being implemented regarding superior-employee relations as well as all other common ethical practices. Doesn’t really solve the problem at hand, may be good for the future but doesn’t help Jackie Company sets public perception that their ethical standards are in question Very timely and costly Risk of employees losing interest/possible turnover of employees 2. Fire and Replace the Manager May get sued by Kevin for wrongful termination Jackie’s verbal threats may continue Incident is likely to be made public Board of Trustees would have to look over all management positions Loss of all positive profits that Kevin may have acquired 3. Workout an undisclosed settlement Costly Sets a standard for future wrong doings May not stay quiet Fellow employees and/or artist may exercise more scrutiny as they mature on with their job Three Stakeholders and Top Three Solutions with two pros and two cons effects on the Stakeholder. Make company employees take corporate training on proper ethical behavior Will benefit the company’s overall performance Give the media something different to talk about with regards to the company Very costly Employees may decline to take it/possible employee turnover Fire and Replace the Manager Jackie would be satisfied The company would have a bad employee released Fellow artists may lose that label Manager could sue for wrongful termination Workout an undisclosed amount Jackie would be happy and the problem would be resolved Stays quiet Costly Solves no future problems Two ethical principles upheld or violated by the top three solutions. Make company employees take corporate training on proper ethical behavior Provides positive integrity to the company As long as the training provided was paid hours it shouldn’t be seen in any way of being unethical Trust and Communication Fire and Replace the Manager Fails to meet ethical standards simply because not enough information is known Unethical towards the employees as some could suddenly be put into a disadvantage Work out an undisclosed amount Completely unethical from the rest of the company’s standpoint as this option would be odd and serve no purpose towards the rest of the company Financially unethical to use funds to serve as a settlement rather than other purposes of the company Performing corporate training at all levels, monitoring it and have employees sign off on regulating polices that are being implemented regarding superior-employee relations as well as all other common ethical practices will provide positive integrity to the company. If the training hours were paid and it didn’t have an effect on daily routine then it doesn’t seem to be unethical to request training hours. Firing the manager Kevin would solve Jackie’s problem but only hers alone. To be fair which is a principle of  ethics would be to implement a code that would benefit the company as a whole. Although what Kevin is accused of doing is warranted of being fired there just isn’t enough information for the company to let him go. Her words against his wouldn’t be enough to fire him. This is why a revamp of full corporate training probably stands to be the best possible solution for this situation. Decision and Implementation Identify the best solution. Implementing corporate training throughout the entire staff of the company maybe specializing in specific areas would be most likely to be the best possible solution. There are a lot more benefits to educating employees on proper ethics. A workplace in which an ethics code has been instilled is a naturally pleasant place. Employee morale rises in an atmosphere that promotes good behavior and honest interactions. Reasons why this is the best solution. It creates a better atmosphere in the workplace, teaches an office how to work as a team, promotes personal responsibility, and has always shown to boost staff morale. A work ethics training program promotes teamwork by instilling trust in co-workers. People are more likely to be amenable to working together when they appreciate and respect one another. Why the other solutions were rejected Firing the manager Kevin as well as making an undisclosed settlement were found to be unethical towards other members of the company. It would not be a good example to set if the company were to single out an incident and act in an irregular way towards that issue. There also wasn’t enough facts to the case to make the decision to fire the manager, Kevin. Especially doing so knowing full well it would affect other stakeholders. Possible objections to the solution The company may find that employee may complain that they do not need to take part in training. A mandatory requirement may need to be implemented for all employees. A turnover rate within the employees may be seen. Investors or Board of Trustees will look at all avenues of the cheapest method of implementing training. How would you overcome these objections? Make it a requirement to attain a certain number of ethics training hours. Find other avenues of funding that can contribute to the program to make sure that employees are receiving the best training. Self-inflicted training from the managerial level is a cheaper method to instruct employees. References Ethical Dilemma. (n.d.). Forbes. Retrieved , from Advantages of Training Employees About Work Ethics. (n.d.). Small Business. Retrieved , from Ethics Training in the Workplace. (n.d.). Ethics Training. Retrieved , from Institute For Ethical Awareness. (n.d.). Institute For Ethical Awareness. Retrieved , from The Online Business Ethics Training Program | Ethics Training Guide. (n.d.). Ethics Training Guide. Retrieved , from

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Survey on Spatial Database Systems

Survey on Spatial Database Systems à ¯Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬ ºÃƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  Ãƒ ¯Ã‚ Ã‚  Abstract—In this survey, the term of â€Å"spatial database†, its data models, its data types with implementations, and its management techniques are described with providing at least spatial join methods. Also the storage and query processing algorithms for such databases are surveyed. (Abstract section will be updated with final report) 1.Introduction Various fields need various data types such as character, number, date, time, and image in data base management systems (DBMS). Some other fields need more specialized data types with geometric and geographical attributes. Those needs are satisfied by the spatial data. The Spatial Data is described as data related to time and space [12]. The most noticeable area for spatial data types is two dimensional abstraction of the earth surface [Figure 1]. Other examples are layouts of very large scale integration designs in electronics, 3D designs of biological issues like DNA, and the complicated models of the human brain systems. Figure 1: Spatial Data. (Source: [11]) Spatial database systems can be grouped as followings [1]: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) deal with digitized maps displaying geographic or thematic information. Automated Mapping/Facilities Management (AM/FM) systems which automate the management and maintenance of networks such as power grids or telephone lines. Land Information Systems (LIS) manage information such as Image Processing systems which process remote sensing images acquired by aircraft and satellites. LIS also deal with the details of land parcel ownership. Although the relational DBMS’s have been tried to manage those types of data, they did not meet the requirements properly [12]. Spatial database systems provide advantages in areas such as decision support, administration, transportation scheduling, resource management, environmental monitoring, real-time navigational systems, data quality and integrity enforcement, and impact assessment. The remaining of this draft report is organized as follows: In Section 2, Modeling Spatial Database Systems is explained in detail. In Section 2.1, the characteristics of spatial data types are represented. The relations and related explanations are provided in Section 2.2. The querying and its techniques are represented in Section 2.3. At 2.4, indexing of spatial data is shown. Visualization of spatial data is explained in Section 2.5. Finally, concluding remarks are summarized in Section 3. 2. Modeling SPATIAL DATABASE SYSTEMS Spatial database systems are either the new DBMS or additional features on Relational DBMS’s. It is a DBMS with additional capabilities for handling spatial data and Offers spatial data types in its data model and query language. For modeling such a database system, data types, relations, querying, indexing and visualization steps can be considered different parts of it. 2.1.Data TYPES There are classical data types for all DBMS such as types of chars, types of numbers, date, and time. Spatial data shows the geometric and geographical variables such as point, line, region, polyline, and polygon. The presentation of those can be divided into two main groups [1]. 2.1.1. Objects in space It is a representation of spatial data types such as polygons, lines, polylines etc. Point: As pairs of coordinates in lat/long or some other reference system A point feature is a zero-dimensional cartographic object. It specifies the geometric location and no other meaningful measurement The size of the point may vary, but the area of those symbols is meaningless Four types of points exist: entity point, label point, area point and node Line: Ordered sequence of points connected by straight lines Line features are one dimensional features, despite occupying two-dimensional space. A line segment is the direct connection between two points A line feature is typically represented as a sequence of vectors An Arc is the location of points that are defined by a mathematical function to form a curve Link or edge is the connection between two nodes Areas: As ordered rings of points connected by straight lines to form polygons Area is a two dimensional, bounded and continuous object Interior area is an area not including its boundary Simple polygon consists of an interior area and an outer ring. The boundary does not intersect itself Typically refers to vector polygons, but also relates to pixels and grid cells. 2.1.2.Space It deals with Statement about every point in space such as partitions into states, counties, municipalities etc. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.2.REALATIONS Spatial relationships are very important in the operations offered by spatial algebras. For instance, it is possible to ask for all objects in a given relationship with a query object, e.g. all objects within an object or intersection points. There are several classes [8, 3, 4]: †¢ Topological relationships †¢ Direction relationships †¢ Metric relationships (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.3.QUERYING Spatial data requires a graphical presentation of results. In addition, SDT values used in queries or graphical input of queries need graphical representations. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.3.1.Languages Query languages for spatial databases can be used as candidates for the creation of a spatial language. Because of the extra semantic complexity added by spatial dimensions, it is desirable to have features in a spatial query language that go beyond those provided by currently available mainstream relational languages. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.3.2.Operators There are several types of spatial operators [4] logical relationships, arithmetic, spatial metrics, position, orientation, area, volume, shape, extent, surface, disjunction, intersection, inclusion, neighborhood, and equality. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.4.INDEXING For all DBMS, fast access to row data depends on the quality of indexing. Complex indexing methods can be used to rapidly locate single or multiple objects in the databases. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.4.1.Indexing Methods For spatial databases, some indexing techniques such as quadtrees [6], R-Trees [2] are mostly used ones. (This section will be detailed in final report) 2.5.vÄ ±sualÄ ±zatÄ ±on The modern database management systems provide visualization tools to represent spatial data and queries about those data. Browsers, plotters and map displays can be considered as standard tools for spatial database systems. Although some researchers classify the spatial maps as maps showing qualitative, quantitative and composite change, and space-time ratios[9], some researchers made this classification like dance maps, chess maps and change maps to visualize time series data [7]. (This section will be detailed in final report) 3. ConclusÄ ±on (This section will be detailed in final report) 4. ReferenceS [1] Abel, D.J. Whats Special about Spatial?. Proc. of the 7th Australian Database Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 1996, 72-81. [2] Guttman, A. R-trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching. Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 1984, 47-57. [3] Egenhofer, M., A Formal Definition of Binary Topological Relationships. Proc. 3rd Intl. Conf. on Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms, Paris, 1989, 457-472. [4] Langran, G. Manipulation and Analysis of Temporal Geographic Information. Proc. of the Canadian Conference on GIS 93, Ottawa, Canada, 1993. [6] Samet, H. The Design and Analysis of Spatial Data Structures. Addison-Wesley, 1990. [7] Monmonier, M. Strategies for the Visualization of Geographic Time-Series Data, Cartographica, 1990, 30-45 [8] Pullar, D., and Egenhofer, M., Towards Formal Definitions of Topological Relations Among Spatial  Objects. Proc. 3rd Intl. Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Sydney, 1988, 225-242. [9] Muehrcke, P.C.. Map Use, JP Publications, 1978. [10] Worboys, M.F., A Generic Model for Planar Geographical Objects. Intl. Journal of Geographical Information Systems , 1992 , 353-372. [11] 20 Minutes to Understanding Spatial Database. Retrieved October 20, 2014, from [12] An introduction to spatial database systems. (1994). The International Journal on Very Large Data Bases, 3(4), 357-399. (This section will be updated in final report)

Benjamin Wade :: essays research papers

Benjamin Wade   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Benjamin Wade was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, on October 27th 1800. He was from an extremely poor family and worked as a laborer on the Erie Canal. He taught school before studying medicine in Albany (1823-1825) and law in Ohio (1825-1828). In 1828, Wade began work as a lawyer in Jefferson, Ohio.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a member of the Whig Party, Wade served in the Ohio Senate in 1837. Between 1847 and 1851 Wade was the judge of the third judicial court of Ohio. Wade then joined the Republican Party in 1851 and was elected to the U.S. Senate where he met other anti-slavery figures such as Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner. During the next few years he played an active role in the campaign against the Fugitive Slave Act and the Kansas-Nebraska Act.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wade was one of the most radical politicians in the United States, supporting votes for women, trade union rights, and equal civil rights for African Americans. He highly criticized capitalism and argued that an economic system â€Å"which degrades the poor man and elevates the rich, which makes the rich richer and the poor poorer, which drags the very soul out of a poor man for a pitiful existence is wrong.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In July of 1861, Wade, along with Lyman Trumbull, James Grimes, and Zachariah Chandler, witnessed the Battle of Bull Run, which was a disaster for Union forces and Wade actually came close to being captured by the Confederate Army.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the Civil War, Wade became one of the leaders of a group known as the Radical Republicans. He was highly critical of Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War. In 1861, Wade wrote to Zachariah Chandler that Lincoln’s views on slavery â€Å"could only come of one, born of poor white trash and educated in a slave state.† Wade was further angered by the fact that Lincoln was slow to support the recruitment of black soldiers into the Union Army.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Wade was also opposed to Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan. In 1864, he and Henry Winter Davis sponsored a bill that provided for the administration of the affairs of southern states by provisional governors until the end of the war. They argued that civil government should only be re-established when half of the male white citizens took an oath of loyalty to the Union.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In 1864, the Wade-Davis bill, named after Benjamin Wade and Henry W. Davis, came from congress with three

Monday, August 19, 2019

Love And Shakespeare Essay -- essays research papers

Love and Shakespeare The love theme in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night is confusing but at the same time entertaining. The love triangle involving Viola, disguised as Cesario, is in love with Orsino. Orsino is in love with Olivia. Olivia, however, loves Cesario. Orsino tries to woo Olivia with the language of love; however, his many attempts fail because the heart cannot be controlled. Orsino, a man in love with love itself, is on a mission to win the heart of his current object of affection, the Lady Olivia. She, however, has somewhat different plans as she envisions herself married to the lovely Cesario. Shakespeare's beautiful sonnets 18 and 73 describe the changes in season and the passages of time that correlate with the play's main theme and mood. In both sonnets and in the Twelfth Night introduce the issue of the effect of the weather. In Twelfth Night, a stormy sea has shipwrecked a vessel leaving the passengers scattered at sea. Viola, a Sea Captain, and some sailors believe that they are the only survivors of the wreck. The Captain believes that their being saved was only as fate would have it. Viola struggles with what to do with herself in a foreign country with no male companions. She, with the Captain's help, disguises herself as a boy so that she can protect her identity, support herself, and not be taken advantage of. The Captain agrees with her plan and convinces Duke Orsino that Viola, disguised as Cesario, is one of his noblest men. When the play ends, Viola i...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Women in The Laxdaela Saga Essay -- essays research papers

Women in the Laxdaela Saga   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Men and women interact and make the world go around every single day. The idea of one gender being more important is very difficult to judge because men and women contribute equally and in different ways. The Laxdaela Saga is no exception to the interaction of men and women; much of the story depends upon these relationships. Although in medieval times women did not play a large role in society, they are very important in the Laxdaela Saga. Without the various gender related interactions the culture of medieval Iceland would not be as clearly understood one thousand years after the events have taken place.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first woman of importance and really the first character of importance is Unn the Deep-Minded and the fortunes of her descendents. Unn is a very influential pioneer of the saga; she establishes dynasties in Scotland, the Faroe Islands and Orkney by marrying off her granddaughters to the men of her choice. Unn also laid claim to Breidafjord, an enormous area of land on the west coast of Iceland. Unn later gave away parts of Breidafjord to her followers according to their social standing and lineage. When Unn died she left her estate to her grandson Olaf Feilan. Following Unn’s death her name slowly fades out of the saga. Her tight control over her land and granddaughters is the entire story line of the first part of the Laxdaela Saga.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Other important...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Business Management of Owning a Construction Company Essay

Owning a construction company requires good planning whereby the management puts several measures in place to ensure that a company performs well to generate enough money that aids it run its operations. Availability of surplus raw materials is one of the important factors to consider while managing a construction company. A construction firm should have enough laborers who offer services to customers and who work at the production stage. Running a construction company requires that the management come up with a good marketing strategy that allows the company to attract as many clients as possible to allow the organization generate enough income to carry out its activities effectively. Keeping records in an organized manner makes it easy for a construction company to make references and also to avoid loss of data. Managers who plan their activities wisely and accordingly in a construction company are in a better position of elevating the profit that the company generates and to impro ve the quality of goods and services that the firm offers. Definition of Important Concepts Management is a common term that this paper uses and it means to adopt effective measures as a leader that help to run an organization in an effective manner. The term construction is also common in this analysis and it means to come up with projects such as buildings, bridges and roads using qualified personnel. Counterarguments Even though raw materials are essential in the running of a construction company, some companies lack them due to poor management which in most cases leads to the fall of a business. Other construction companies lack enough laborers and this makes the available workers to strain with their work which in most cases lowers the outcome of construction companies. Lack of effective marketing strategy and lack of proper ways of record keeping also in many instances lead to the downfall of many construction companies because they are not able to generate sufficient income from different customers and they experience confusion respectively.This report makes use of an imaginary company by the name of Davis Construction firm to expound on the management of owning a construction company. As part of its activities, this construction firm produces building bricks from clay soil, produces celling boards that builders fit inside houses, and also hires professional masons and other construction desi gners to people or organizations that want to come up with buildings. To attain its goals, the management of Davis Construction firm must take into account several measure that will help it run its activities. Availability of Raw Materials First of all, the manager of this organization must ensure that there is a continuous flow of raw materials to enable the firm continue with its production. In this case, the essential raw materials that Davis Construction firm needs are clay soil to manufacture bricks, wood chips to manufacture celling board, and sufficient water to carry out the mixing process. Other raw materials that this organization needs to produce its goods include chemicals that it uses to carry out its production. A good manager will carry out a research on the best places to acquire the raw materials so that the firms does not experience delays in its production process. To ensure a steady supply of raw materials in a construction firm, managers should have more than one source of suppliers who deliver raw materials to the company. Having more than one source of supplier who supply the same product is important because this allows a company to carry out its activities continuously not to inconvenience customers. In many instances, unreliable suppliers make business managers to consider alternative ways getting raw materials to carry out an organization’s activities (Alonso, 2007, p. 3). Another way in which the manager of this company and any other construction company can ensure constant availability of raw materials is by establishing nearby sites that generate enough raw materials to run the activities of an organization. For example, to have a constant supply of water, the manager can hire professionals to come and dig boreholes that will provide surplus water to the firm at a much cheaper cost. Availability of Workers Effective management of a construction company calls for hiring enough laborers who help in running the organization’s activities. A wise manager will therefore, put measures to ensure that the laborers share work equally and that they do not strain while carrying out their activities. The laborers in a construction firm should fall into several sections where each worker partakes in the activity of his specialization. By each worker taking part in the activities of his specialization, a construction firm will attain accuracy in all the goods it produces and all the services it offers. To get laborers of sufficient knowledge to carry out their activities, the management of Davis Construction Firm should carry out a test while recruiting laborers after ascertaining their credentials. Even though it is a common occurrence in many countries that construction activities attract workers with low educational level (ILO, 2001, p. 12), it is important for managers to hire workers with high qualification to do their job perfectly so as to come up with products and services that satisfy customers’ needs. The management should ensure that workers get sufficient training to enable them carry out their duties with preciseness. As a way of improving the technical skills of their workers, managers should organize educative seminars where other professionals offer theoretical and practical knowledge to the workers. Good managers take the initiative of helping technicians who show great ability in their duties attain further training and also to serve as motivation to the co ntractors. Managers in a construction company should also take their workers to tour different construction firms because if they fail to do this, it will be impossible to compete favorably with other construction firms. Marketing Strategies A construction company should adopt effective marketing strategies that allows it to reach customers from different geographical regions. After intense research about marketing strategies, managers in construction companies such as Davies Construction Firm should come up with a suitable way of marketing the goods and services that the firm offers. To effectively reach customers from different regions, managers who run construction firms should adopt reliable channels such as the internet and publications because these two are able to carry so much information about a company and are also able to transmit information within a very short time. Enhanced technology has improved communication and marketing which has positive effect on inter-organizational relationship and communication (Avlonitis & Karayanni, 2000, p. 442). Managers in a construction firms should appoint certain people with the right qualification to manage the company’s website and to attend to customers’ n eeds. In a business organization, it is important for managers to create a customers’ department wing to improve the quality of services and to build a long-term relationship with the customers (Rust, Moorman, & Bhalla, 2010, p. 5). Record Keeping Managers who run construction companies should adopt better ways of storing vital information. Good forms of record keeping enable construction companies to make necessary reference whenever conflicts or discrepancies occur. For example, Davis Construction Firm can adopt better ways of record keeping by using computers that are able to store large amount of data for a very long time. People in charge of electronically storing data must be very keen in their activities to ensure that the information stays for a long time without getting lost (Trace, 2002, p. 138). Managers in a construction firm should also adopt a way of keeping records that is easy to retrieve information. Some of the advisable ways of keeping records in a manner that is easy to retrieve include using alphabetical orders, storing records according to the subject and keeping records in accordance to urgency. Conclusion Managers who run construction firms should take the initiative of helping the company attain its goals. As part of their management duties, managers should be able to come up with ways that ensures a constant and sufficient supply of raw materials to enable the firm carry out production of goods and services continuously. A manager should also be able to ensure that a construction firm has enough workers who help in carrying out the activities of a company in accordance to their area of specialty. Coming up with an effective marketing strategy helps to reach customers from different regions and therefore, be able to generate enough money for the construction firm. Above all, a manager in a construction firm needs to device effective methods of storing vital information about past and current operations of a construction firm. References Alonso, E., et al. (2007). Material availability and the supply chain: Risks, effects, and responses. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.Avlonitis, G., & Karayanni, D. (2000). The impact of internet use on business-to-business marketing: Examples from American and European companies. Industrial marketing management 29(4) 441-459. International Labor Organization, ILO. (2001). The construction industry in the twenty-first century: Its image, employment prospects and skill requirements. Geneva. Rust, R., Moorman, C., & Bhalla, G. (2010). Rethinking marketing. Harvard Business Review. Trace, B., C. (2002). What is recorded is never simply ‘what happened’: Record keeping in Modern organizational culture. Archival Science 2(7), is Recorded is Never Simply ‘What Happened’: Record Keeping in Modern Organizational Culture Source document

Friday, August 16, 2019

How Issues Are Affected By the Political Spectrum

On April 30, 1789, the United States of America elected our first president to lead our country. Then every four years thereafter, another president is elected. When election time comes around most Americans do not know anything about the issues involved and/or do not even know who is running. The two current candidates this year are Al Gore, the Democrat, and George Bush, the Republican. Three main issues that both parties deal with are Social Security, Tax Reform, and Education. Depending on each candidate†s political platform, they can be placed approximately on the political spectrum. Knowing where a candidate stands on the political spectrum, you can assume how he would feel on certain issues. Social Security is a huge issue this year because many citizens are concerned that they are paying the social security tax, but with the current plan, the money will run out by the time they get old enough to use it. Al Gore plans on taking social security and putting it aside and adding the interest gained to it which in his words, â€Å"I will keep it in a lockbox. The interest savings, I would put right back into it. That extends the life for 55 years† (Issues2000. om). Gore†s plan relates to the liberal side of the political spectrum. Normally most liberals believe in more government involvement and less big corporations. He is saying that the social security tax will go into a â€Å"lockbox† and no money will be taken out of it leaving it all to the government. â€Å"Today liberals view government as protecting individuals from being abused by a variety of governmental and nongovernmental forces, such as market vagaries, business decisions, and discriminatory practices† (Burns 243). This leads into why George Bush is a conservative. He plans on taking social security and putting it into the hands of our citizens and allowing them to invest their money in stocks. Bush wants to take the money out of the government†s hands and put it in the individual†s hands. â€Å"†¦ I†m going to trust [young workers] at their option to be able to manage, under certain guidelines, some of their money to get a better rate of return so that they†ll have a retirement plan in the future†¦ † (issues2000. com). Basically he is trying allow the â€Å"young workers† to control their social security rather than the government. This issue shows how two different sides of the political spectrum can affect the way they attack a problem. Tax Reform is another issue where both candidates differ greatly. Al Gore believes there should be a tax cut for the lower class and middle class families, but not for the wealthy class. This is true for a normal liberal to say. They believe the government should help those who are in need and leave those who don†t alone. â€Å"Liberals†¦ prefer that government take care of the weak, for the strong can nearly always take care of themselves† (Burns 244). With Gore†s plan, the typical family†s taxes would be the lowest in fifty years. This is definitely taking care of the weak part of society, the typical family. Bush, on the other hand, says he wants a tax cut for everyone. He believes everyone should deserve a tax relief, not just the middle class. This sounds good, but really the biggest cut would be in the upper class, who really do not need a tax cut. This just shows how Bush is being conservative by helping the big businesses, which make up most of the upper class. â€Å"Traditional conservatives, in the name of freedom, are emphatically pro-business† (248). Each candidate tries to show why their tax reform plans are better, but it just comes down to how each candidate relates to the political spectrum. Another big issue this year is Education. Both candidates feel differently about this issue. Al Gore believes that students who attend a failing school would be allowed to go to better school until that school is reopened under new management. He also says that schools that are doing poorly in student achievement would be given a fund to help them improve. Any progressing school would be given financial awards to help them strive to become better. This is considered a liberal view because he is saying that any weak school will be helped out by the government. In addition, he is supporting the improvement of some schools that are not meeting the standards. George Bush agrees somewhat, but he believes that if a school is failing, they have three years to fix the problems. If they don†t, they will be shut down and are demanded to give some money towards sending the students to other schools. He also says he would require testing be done every year. The schools that improve would get a bonus while the schools that are failing would lose some federal funds (English handout). Conservatives are also inclined to believe that those who fail in life are in some way the architects of their own misfortune and thus must bear the main responsibility for solving their own problems† (Burns 247). He is conservative by saying that the responsibility of failing schools is to fix the problems themselves. Some parts of this issue, education, Gore and Bush agree on but for the most part, they are like on two different sides of the political spectrum. Knowing where the candidate is located on the political spectrum, each issue can be related to how the candidate feels. Even though there are many issues a soon-to-be president has to discuss, there are definitely three main issues that affect everyone somehow. They all show a definite side of the political platform by each candidate. Each candidate†s side was relating to one side of the political spectrum such, as Democrats tend to be liberal, while Republicans are considered conservative. Referring back to the first paragraph, maybe we should model after our ancestors back when majority of our citizens actually cared about who was running and how they felt on the issues.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Importance of Labor Unions in the United States

A Labor Union is an â€Å"association of workers that seeks to improve the economic and social well-being of its members through group action.† A labor union represents its members in negotiations with an employer regarding all the terms and conditions of an employment contract. These negotiations are called collective bargaining, which is concerned with wages, working hours, fringe benefits, job security, safety and other related to an employee’s working condition. This process is now a crucial part of the labor union movement and an accepted practice in many industrial nations. In the United States, workers can become members of a union by voting to certify a union as their collective bargaining agent. Unionized jobs in the United States pay substantially higher wages than nonunion jobs, even after taking into account skill differences among workers employed in different establishments.   Overall, the gap in wages between unionized workers and nonunionized workers in about 15 percent in the United States, with unionized members receiving higher wages. Unions tend to increase the wages of less-skilled workers by a larger percentage than they raise the wages of more-skilled workers because they have had greater success at organizing less-skilled workers. In addition to wages and fringe benefits, unions also bargain for better working conditions. Without the existence of these unions, workers may not have an established mechanism for informing employers of grievances about working conditions, wages, or other aspects of the employment relationship. In many countries, labor unions are officially affiliated with political parties. The main goal of the labor movements in the United States is to improve wages and working conditions for their membership and representing their members if the employer attempts or actually violates contract provisions. Because of this labor unions, many workers can fearlessly voice out their concerns and demand for their rights as employees of an organization. Laws have been passed and the rights of workers for better working conditions, just wages, and the like have been properly monitored and abided by. However, there are drawbacks as well to having these labor unions in the United States. Unions raise member wages but to not have sizable impact on productivity. Hirsch generalized that unions are associated with a reduction in profits, a decrease in investment in research and development and physical capital, and a lower employment rate. Vedder and Gallaway also made it clear that union power and membership has significantly decreased over the last half century, which has been a result of increased anti-union policy and a growing economy for the United States. The effect unionization had on productivity levels was found to be small. Because productivity changes are small, they do not offset the higher costs incurred by firms who give a wage premium to union members.   It only makes sense that if profits and investment are going down as a result of unionization, the employment growth will slow down as well. Industries with high union densities, such as mining, construction, durable goods manufacturing, and transportation and public utilities, showed negative growth rates, indicating that there has been an employment shift from unionized sectors to nonunionized sectors (Vedder and Gallaway, 111). Today’s U.S. economy is highly competitive due to the deregulation of many large industries and a large increase in the private sector. Entry and exit into these industries has become easier, thus causing unionized firms to compete both nationally and internationally. Positive effects can be directed to the benefits of these labor unions on workers or employees, such as better working conditions, just wages, assured implementation of the terms of the employment contract and more. They may not have been able to unify their voices with regards to fighting for equitable rights as workers if not largely for these labor unions, who as a whole, commonly generate attention from employers. This is not only to eliminate tension and bad publicity for the organization, but also to level out the needs of the company’s workforce. These largely contribute or are primarily directed to the wellness of the affected workers. However, on the larger whole, numerous studies have indicated the negative effects labor unions have on the economy. The study by Vedder and Gallway suggested that federal policy has a long-term effect on labor unions, but that for the most part the decline in labor unions is due to changes in the structure of the economy. IN fact, the Bush administration has implemented policy in the federal workforce to encourage workers not to join labor unions. References Hirsch, B.R. â€Å"Unionization and Economic Performance: Evidence on Productivity, Profits, Investment and Growth†. Public Policy Sources, No. 3, Florida State University.. Retrieved 30 October 2007. Perry, M.J. The Economics of Labor Unions. Retrieved. Pindyck, R.S., & David Rubenfield. (2001). Microeconomics, 5th Ed. US: Prentice Hall.   

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How do religious believers respond to challenges posed to them by scientists? Essay

Challenges to religious belief started around the time of the renaissance, before this the Church had almost complete control over people’s views, although criticisms were present. Since the only literate people were generally monks or priests for a considerable amount of time, challenges to religion were dismissed. However gradually times changed and with them so did attitudes. Although there were other arguments of a more philosophical and theological nature beforehand Galileo’s idea of heliocentricity was one of the first arguments to challenge religion in a way it had never been challenged before; scientifically. The idea that our world was the centre of the universe that is to say the geocentric view had been held since the time of Aristotle. This idea implies that the world is not the most important thing, just another component in the vast universe; this was the beginning of science opposing religious ideas. Presently there are many challenges to the existence of a creator specifically the Judeo Christian God who is responsible for the account of the creation of the world in Genesis. One of the major arguments against Genesis is Darwin’s theory of evolution. It says that contrary to the story of Genesis, humans evolved from apes and were not made, as we are now, on the 6th day of creation. Christians react very differently to this theory. Some choose to ignore it completely arguing that science can make mistakes and evolution is still only a theory. They might say that if God is all powerful, nothing is impossible and we cannot see the bigger picture. Other Christians present theories such as irreducible complexity and intelligent design; these are usually more liberal Christians. Some might say that the two ideas can be united saying that one asks how while the other, religion, asks why. On the matter of Creation itself there are many controversies. A young earth creationist would believe that the account of Genesis is completely true and that the earth is between 6000 to 10,000 years old. They would dismiss any scientific ideas perhaps saying that they can’t disprove God or maybe choosing to remain ignorant of scientific theories. If a scientist challenged this view using fossils as evidence, a young earth creationist may argue that God had put them there deliberately to test our faith. Some Christians and religious believers would say that we are not supposed to know everything because we wouldn’t understand and its part of God’s plan, they might say that if God had intended us to know then he would have included it in the Bible or the Holy Scripture belonging to the believer. Religious believers that belong to Islam methodically reject Darwin’s theory of evolution and often refuse to discuss it. However Koran has a similar creation story to the Bible and therefore the same problem of days. Many Muslims claim this is figurative and that days is supposed to mean period of time and therefore wriggle out of one of the challenges to their belief. Earlier while talking about evolution intelligent design and irreducible complexity were mentioned. These are popular responses by more liberal Christians to problems created by science. Intelligent design is a modern extension of the teleological argument; it argues that processes such as evolution are best explained by an intelligent cause and not just a random occurrence of mutations. It is therefore quite a popular compromise for Christians, it doesn’t contradict science and seems to unite the two; science is true but God made it happen. Irreducible complexity is an idea by Michael Behe, an American biochemist. He says that certain organisms are irreducibly complex that is to say that if you follow the evolutionary chain back far enough, you come to a point where it cannot be broken down anymore, the whole thing, however simple, has to exist simultaneously. Behe uses the example of a mousetrap saying that without any one part it could not function. Behe is widely criticised and slated by scientist because he is filling gaps in scientific theory with God using little or no concrete evidence, some say he has created a â€Å"God of the gaps.† Some more liberal Christians often present the Yom argument in the discussion of creation. The word day is used in Genesis but it was translated from the Hebrew word â€Å"Yom† which means any period of time from 24 hours to an indefinite span of time. Science clearly says that the entire universe was not made in an earthly week, using Yom as a period of time means that Genesis no longer has to say that the universe was made in a week, more just 6 stages. This can end the conflict of timescale to a certain extent.

Writting paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Writting paper - Essay Example It was brimming with juicy mangoes, as tasty as the ice-cream! The monkey ate mangoes for the breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. They-were so tasty. It played by throwing mangoes into the sea. The sound of the ripples when it fell into the sea, the splash and the spray, delighted it. The stock of mangoes was plenty as God sent fresh mangoes to the tree everyday and it was a lovely sight to see the mangoes. A shark swimming and relaxing by the sea-shore liked this play of the monkey. It caught the mangoes, with its long mouth, and teeth wide open. It liked the generous monkey which threw mangoes into the sea, throughout the day. Soon, they became intimate friends. Next day, the monkey was on the back of the shark and the shark began to swim fast. Soon they were in the mid-sea. The monkey was afraid at the sight of the vastness of the sea and the big suddenly wished to return back to its mango tree but how could he do that? â€Å"In fact, I readied a basketful of mangoes for your king. I wished to take a bath, and the monkeys do not take their hearts to the bathroom and I kept my heart in the mango-basket. The basket remains hanging to a branch of the mango-tree. In hurry to jump on your back, I forgot the basket as well as my heart!† Now the shark swam with extra speed. Soon it reached the shore. Feeling safe, the monkey jumped to the tree. It quickly picked a raw mango and threw it with such great power that two long teeth of the shark were broken! ----My Patel friends live in the same community at Richmond, as we do! He invited me for the community dinner on the eve of the Holi festival, to celebrate which, the fire place was specially erected in the lawn of their residence. Patel tells me that the Holi festival that is celebrated in all parts of India, has mythological,cultural and social significance. The many legends related to Holi festival advise people to remain honest in their lives, reveal the importance of good

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Media and Communication Theories Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Media and Communication Theories - Essay Example Development of the internet and personal computing during the 70s, invention of Hyper Text Transport Protocol (HTTP) during the late 80s further stimulated a trend towards new media (Friedman 2006). Widespread usage of the internet in the early 90s, and a wide range of other related technological breakthroughs led to the creation of new media (Friedman 2006). New Media offered features that were practically unimaginable and unheard of just a decade ago (Friedman 2006). The hallmark of new media is that it has the potential and the capacity to bridge the seemingly incompatible features of the earlier communications media. Many experts tend to convey that new media is inherently democratic in all its aspects, be it consumption or production. It has enabled the masses and the consumers to actively engage with media and has armed them with the power to alter and shape media. There is no denying the fact that new media has certain inbuilt traits and abilities, which make it inherently mor e open, free and accessible. Yet, to claim that new media is fool proof democratic and immune to manipulation and distortion would be asking for too much. New media, like the previous media is sensitive and vulnerable to ideas and ideologies, and autocracy and totalitarianism are as rampant and existent ideas in the 21st century as democracy and liberty. 2.0 Democracy in the Age of New MediaNew media became realistically became universally accessible, courtesy the spread of the internet aided communication in the 90s. Considering this, the expert and the popular opinion stood to be unanimous in the sense that it expected new media to usher in an era of affordable production and distribution of information (Turkle 1995). Thereby new media tends to be essentially egalitarian and democratic in its scope (Turkle 1995). During the early stages of new media, a majority of the people were of the view that new media will demolish the monopoly of the established media houses and the restraining designs of the autocratic rgimes (Longford & Patten 2007). This will enable the people and the civil society groups to act and operate as independent broadcasters and publishers. Everybody expected that new media would usher in an era of interactive and democratic mass communication. New media will enable the masses to